Alicia Noneman
The United States of America: Celebrating the Strength of American Diversity
It's the 4th of July! Before we put on our patriotic tank tops and head to the parades and fireworks, a quick review of history is due. How often do we really think about...
Awards and Recognition Season: How to Navigate as a Parent
It is that time of year again... awards and recognition season. The tradition that marks the end of another school year by recognizing a few for a job well done. With all the pomp...
How I Use My Pocketbook to Promote Change: The Conscious Consumer
I don't quite remember when I started to see my spending as power and an impetus for change. Maybe it was when I taught U.S. History and highlighted how the Montgomery Bus Boycotts were...
COVID-19 Gave Our Kids a 1980s Summer and How I Hope to Repeat It
One unexpected blessing of Covid-19 was that last summer looked a lot like the 1980s summer many of us had as kids- the summer of unstructured play. It was the kind of summer we...
Our Communal Failure
January 6th, 2021, will be one of the defining days of our generation. I have spent more time in the Capitol Building halls than most because I spent a fall semester in college working...
The No Resolution New Year
Can we talk honestly about the last year? To put it mildly, last year was a lot and 2021 is gearing up to look a lot like its younger sister 2020. That’s why I...
Pinterest, My Enemy?
Pinterest. I have long wondered if the cost outweighs the benefit regarding this app and the thousands of ideas it brings to my phone screen (usually late at night when I should be asleep)....