Andee Bookmyer

Andee Bookmyer
Andee is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Health Coach, ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Certified Mind Body Fitness Coach and Certified Stress Management Coach. She grew up in Northwest Indiana and attended Ball State University. She taught high school English for several years before becoming a mommy to Preston. She has a passion for writing, CrossFit, laughing and helping others. For more of her writing, you can visit her personal "Bookerella" blog at

Because We Are Moms: This Is What We Do

One of THE worst parts of being a parent is having a sick child. Oh, except having a sick child while you are also sick; that’s probably the worst. I’d rather endure physical fitness torture, like...

The Secret Co-Sleeping Circus

Today I woke up to the sudden jolt of a foot on my face. Literally, a small, cold, wiggly little foot, planted directly on my left cheek. Last week I fell asleep with two...

Silencing the Judgment

Half the mommy posts out there today seem to discuss why moms should never judge other moms; the other half seem to tell moms they shouldn’t be doing this or that, or definitely not...