
Carla Biro

Carla Biro

Be The Long-Term Friend

Being a friend today is hard work! The investment into another human outside of those we are committed to is challenging and requires a level of patience and understanding I am not always sure...

Defining Your Own Social and Cultural Norms

Happy birthday to me as I look to celebrate the day by spending time with my fur babies and soaking in the love of my children, who just want to be in my presence....

Single for the Holidays

It's a new holiday season. If you are on social media and are newly single, you may find yourself navigating through this season in a bit of a fog. Or maybe this is another...

Yes. You ARE Healing.

You see the quote. It catches your eye and seems to resonate with your soul. "Be careful of how you treat people. Everyone is fighting a battle you may know nothing about". My question...

The Best Thing He Did…He Left

Twelve years of age is the first year I found myself with a new boy or in strong like with someone. Twelve years old! While some were awaiting new Scooby-Doo or Care Bear episodes,...

I Need a Break!

The season of competitive volleyball has officially ended. Only sports camps, vacation, and leisurely landscaping dot my calendar, and summer is here. Cue the celebration music. Time to tone down the expensive hotel stays,...

I Know What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

I resigned. I just could not do it anymore. I tried and failed. I tried again and failed. I tried once more and plummeted. I plummeted so low that I knew that walking away...

Round Hole, Wrong Peg

He's in tears. He's in tears after losing another game. He's in tears after playing in a game he loves. Tears. I'm in tears. Tears after the loss of another game. Tears as I what...

Teaching During the Pandemic

School is on break and the daunting thoughts of the next quarter envelope me. My chest is tight and my sleep is limited. Panicked thoughts flood my mind as the start date rapidly approaches....