It has been two full weeks that our family has been been hunkered down and trying to create a new “normal” if you want to call it that. My kids have been counting down the days until our Spring Break trip, which was heartbreaking to tell them that we had to cancel it. But I was determined to make the most of our “quaran-cation” and find some new activities to cheer up our mood. So one afternoon I threw aprons on the girls and told them we were going to create some brand-new, never been tasted before recipes – and they were thrilled! We called it the Ice Cream Pantry Challenge. The catch to these recipes were two things: all the ingredients had to already be in our cupboards and each one must include our favorite treat of all – ice cream!
Luckily I had just been to the grocery and stocked up for a solid two weeks of meals and snacks for the family. Ice cream is always on the list and Hudsonville Ice Cream magically made it into our cart this trip. The variety of flavors (including the most requested Superscoop) and the creamy texture makes it our favorite household treat. So we pulled out our cartons and decided on our recipe creations.
First up in our ice cream pantry challenge was our Blue Moon ice cream creation. My daughter has been learning about the moon in her STEM class and all three kids are fascinated with all things outer space, so we decided that creating something with a space theme would be fun! Our Moon Cups were simple and super quick to make. The girls stuck a cookie at the bottom of a muffin cup like it was a crater, topped it with a scoop of ice cream and then sprinkled chocolate sprinkles on top for the moon rocks. What I love about these sweet treats is that my kids can just grab them and eat them without needing me to scoop out the ice cream or getting a bowl dirty. Now that’s a double win!
Moon Cups
Get Started:
-Blue Moon Hudsonville Ice Cream
-Chocolate and Cream Cookies
-Chocolate Sprinkles
-Muffin Cups
- Place muffin cups in a muffin tin.
- Line the cups with a cookie at the bottom.
- Scoop one heaping scoop of Blue Moon on top of the cookie.
- Top with sprinkles and set back in the freezer for at least an hour to set it.
- Eat and enjoy!
I never leave the store without cookies, especially chocolate chip cookies. We actually had made a batch of the break and bake chocolate chip cookies earlier that day which made this recipe a no brainer. The girls threw a few cookies in a bowl and had me warm them up in the microwave for a few seconds. Next we topped the warm cookies with none other than Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Hudsonville Ice Cream and drizzled chocolate syrup on top. My kindergartner exclaimed, “Mom! That’s three kinds of chocolate!” which is exactly how this delicious dessert got it’s name!
Triple Chocolate Cookie Dough Sundae
Get Started:
-Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Hudsonville Ice Cream
-Chocolate Chip Cookies
-Chocolate Syrup
- Place cookies in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.
- Top 2 scoops of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Hudsonville Ice Cream on top of the warmed cookies.
- Drizzle chocolate syrup on top and eat warm.
While he will never admit it, I think my son was the most bummed about our spring break plans being canceled. Spring is also his favorite season because it’s the start of baseball and I think that will hit him hard in the next few weeks when he realizes it’s not going to be the same. So I asked him when we were creating these recipes what he has in mind. He said, “Mom anything with Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream and cookies and I’m good.” And together we created the Mint Chocolate Chip Layered Parfait. I pulled out a fancy glass, we crumbled the cookies together and topped each layer with a hearty scoop of Mint Chocolate Chip Hudsonville Ice Cream. It took me back to when my mom used to make us layered pudding in fancy cups as a kid. I have a feeling this dessert will be a new tradition in our household.
Mint Chocolate Chip Layered Parfait
Get Started:
-Mint Chocolate Chip Hudsonville Ice Cream
-Chocolate and Cream Cookies
- Begin by crushing the cookies and placing them in the bottom of the glass.
- Scoop one or two smaller scoops of the Mint Chocolate Chip Hudsonville Ice Cream on top of the cookies.
- Continue this pattern until the top of the glass.
- Grab a spoon and enjoy!
The girls are already brainstorming more recipes we can create together and the thought of them in their little aprons brings a smile to my face. The Ice Cream Pantry Challenge was a hit with the kiddos and definitely an activity we will bring back soon! And while we may not be building sand castles and enjoying the breeze from the ocean this spring break, we will look back at this and remember these fun things that we did together.
Be sure to check out the Hudsonville Ice Cream Scoop Locator to find a store near you!
About Hudsonville Ice Cream
Hudsonville Ice Cream is about more than just ice cream. For them, it’s all about making life a little sweeter. It’s about the feeling you get, the experience you have, and the people you share a scoop with. Their Midwest creamery has been perfecting the art of ice cream making for more than 90 years. While they enjoy creating creamy, delicious and exciting new flavors, many of their ice creams use a base recipe that was created back in 1926! With more than 50 flavors to choose from, including the world’s best French Vanilla and Dairy Free options, Hudsonville Ice Cream has options for everyone to enjoy.