
Jodi Hauk

Jodi Hauk

Babies Don’t Keep and Neither do the Seasons

When I had my oldest son, I was often told “babies don’t keep” and to enjoy all of the little milestones and moments. Although I was warned as a first-time mother, I couldn’t have...

Apologizing To Our Children When We’re Not Perfect (Which is Quite Often)

When I make a parenting mistake, I own it, and I apologize to my children. Notice how I didn’t say “if I make a parenting mistake.” I have made parenting mistakes, and I will...

A Road Trip with Kids Doesn’t Have to be Scary

I’m here to ease your fears. I’m here to calm your nerves. I’m here to assure you that road tripping with kids doesn't have to be scary! If you are like my husband, he would...

A Thyroid Cancer Survivor Raising Awareness

“I even had to alert my neighbors in my apartment building to try and keep away from our walls that met because the radioactive poison was that strong.” That was the reality, my sister, Nicole...

Best Friends. Soulmates. We Were The Ones, and Now We Are The Ones.

As a wife and mother of two toddlers, I have really grown to appreciate my best friends. They have been my best friends since practically day one of college, 14 years and counting.  Our memories...