
Indianapolis Moms

Indianapolis Moms

Turning 30 Soon and Having a Crisis

I turn 30 next year. 30 is a significant milestone. I thought I'd plan a fun birthday and look forward to my 30th. It turns out I'm having a crisis. I thought I would...

Mental Health Help Is Suicide Prevention

Over this past year, our family has found ourselves in an unexpected place: dealing with a mental health crisis involving one of our children. It has been a long journey. While I am not...

Separation Anxiety and the School Year

I've been through this before. The tears, the screaming, the pleading. Hiding behind furniture in hopes that I won't see them. I try to hold it together, but eventually, I shut myself in an...

The Real Reason Teachers Are Quitting

If you are familiar with the teaching staff at your child's school, you may be in for a surprise when school begins. It is no secret that teachers are leaving the profession rapidly. There...

Dear Special Needs Moms, I Need Advice.

Dear Special Needs Moms, I need advice. My oldest son is nine years old. The summer before he turned eight, he was diagnosed with Level-1 autism. This is the sort of thing that used to be...

Ending My Toxic Relationship With My Mother-in-law

My husband and I fell in love fast and hard. It was a whirlwind of instant chemistry, becoming best friends and being inseparable. After five months of dating, we were engaged and so excited...

Dear Corporate: It’s Okay to Be Human

I once had a corporate boss who happened to be at my workplace at the same devastating time I found out a dear client of mine had passed away. I had trained this sweet...

Unmasking: My Journey To Becoming My Best Self

My dad died the week after Christmas. It was sudden. It was unexpected. It was awful. That night, my siblings, mom, and I cried ourselves to sleep while snuggled up together in my old...
mental illness

The Silent Struggle Of People With Severe Mental Illness

The call comes at 9 am on a Sunday morning. My sister calls, and I answer. “I don’t even know how to begin.” She says, “It’s about Jeff.” He had a mental health crisis,...

I Hated The Weekends: A Few Things I’m Doing To Help Refocus

I have to admit that there was a time when I hated the weekends. Maybe it was a slump in life or a fog that I needed to get out of, but I hated...

I Hate The Word Miscarriage

Miscarried. I miscarried. I was eight weeks pregnant, but then I miscarried. That word stings like no other I've heard before. Miscarried - like I dropped a jar of olives while bringing in the groceries....

I Want to Go “Home” (Back to My Classroom)

I've always wanted to be a teacher. I may not have always realized it, but I instantly felt at home when I finally stepped back into a public high school for a field experience requirement....

The Struggle to Love Myself

I am thankful to have a lot of love in my life. I love my husband and the life we’ve built. I love my children, and though I don’t always admit it, I love the...

Discovering I’m Non-Binary

I can remember the day that it clicked for me that I was non-binary. I was doing a video chat with my mother in order to show her my pixie cut. Admittedly the stylist...