
Indianapolis Moms

Indianapolis Moms

Discovering I’m Non-Binary

I can remember the day that it clicked for me that I was non-binary. I was doing a video chat with my mother in order to show her my pixie cut. Admittedly the stylist...

Holding Your Hand in Tragedy

When someone you love is facing a difficult time, it's hard to know how to support them. You fear saying the wrong thing. Last year, many of my loved ones faced loss. My brother...

Our Friends Are Widows

I never expected to watch our friends become widows. Friends, as in plural, more than one. We aren’t even 40 years old yet and have more than one widowed friend. It cuts like a...

How I’m Ignoring Snarky Comments From Family

Snark is real in this day and age. It comes from everywhere, our kids, partners, social media, your friends, and the mailman. You never expect to get it from your parents about decisions you've...

Rallying Against Cancer: When a Community Becomes Family

I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the same school community for the last ten years. It’s been a decade full of growth and transition where we’ve held countless learning celebrations, believed...

I Want Another Baby But My Husband Does Not

  When our son was six months old, I agreed with my husband that we would not have more children. We had one wild, strong-willed two-year-old girl and our always-sick-with-some-virus-from-daycare boy who was not yet...

Confessions of Honest Mamas

As mothers and wives, we often think things we would never say out loud. Be it about our children, our partners, our in-laws, etc. In my experience, those thoughts are never intended for another...

Thoughts On Turning Into My Mother

The other night I was lying in bed when a classic being-a-mom-induced insomnia came on with the symptom of one million thoughts a minute. One thought that popped into my brain was how my...

Learning To Forgive My Sometimes Absent Parents

I am one of many kids. I love each one and would never trade a single sibling if given a choice. It's complicated. My upbringing was impacted by a fundamentalist belief that taught that using...

My Husband Lives Down The Hall

I was planning to move to the guest room. It was a week after our son’s birthday, but this decision had been brewing for months. I finally had enough, enough of what I could...

Is It Time to Put My Foot Down? I Want to Host the Holidays

I want to host for the holidays. Just once every few years is all I ask. I have a dream of watching my nieces and nephews stampede around our home buzzing with the excitement...
Indianapolis Colts Kids Club

Indianapolis Colts Kids Club

Now is your chance to sign your child up today to become an Indianapolis Colts Kids Club member! For a one-time enrollment fee of $30, members will get a behind the scenes look at...

When You Dread the Holiday Season

I hate the last sixty-one days of the year. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the festive spirit as much as the next girl and I'm a sucker for the delicious food that comes...

Hot Take: I Don’t Complain About My Husband

It seems a recent trend is for people to offer up their "hot takes," or strong, personal opinions that many others tend to disagree with. While I have plenty of these that I could...