
Molly Childs

Molly Childs

Epilepsy, Our New Normal

When my daughter was about a year old, she started having these... episodes. They were eerily similar to a night terror, except she didn't seem conscious. Her eyes were opened, yet unfocused. She couldn't...

An Ode to the Grocery Store Wardrobe

There was a time in my life when I went to things like malls and department stores. I curated actual "going out" outfits (I see you, 2000s). I used to buy bright-colored bras instead...

When Your Politics Become Your Religion

Politics and religion don't mix—two things we never talk about. Politics are private, and religion is personal. Trying to mix them will just upset your feelings, and you don't want to cause anyone distress....

Brain Injury Awareness Month: Our TBI Story

  March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. I'll be honest: outside of making my kids wear a helmet, I never really had a lot of "awareness" in regards to Brain Injury or Traumatic Brain Injury...

Fatherless Once Again

Sometimes, it feels like I've spent more time fatherless than I did having a dad. This comes off a bit strangely because, well, I had more than one. My parents divorced when I was five,...

You Probably Forgot to Clean That

Let's just start with one fine point before you feel waves of judgment: I am not telling you that you're a bad mom if you don't wash your walls or that I'm better than...

Podcasts for Kids That Parents Won’t Hate

I spend the majority of my life right now shuffling people and things to and fro: kids to practices, groceries home, doctor's appointments, you name it. As my children have gotten older, I've found...

I’m a Maybe

Maybe I'm not reliable anymore. Maybe I'm not on time anymore. I may or may not actually be able to show up when you need me. Maybe I'm taking more from my relationships than I am able...

The Fly Lady- TikTok Made Me Do It

Let me start this by saying; If you have are someone that can thrive in the normal chaos created by motherhood, work, life, and whatever else comes your way- YOU ARE A GREAT MOM...

Why I Make the Gravy

I don't like Halloween. Every year though, I sew until my fingers bleed and I plan coordinating family costumes. I don't like gravy. I don't like it so much that I forgot to register...

When Her Birthday Is the Anniversary of My Trauma

I go all out for birthdays. Well, I have three kids so you can have a "party" at age 1, 5, 10(or 11 if we are on a Harry Potter kick, which I hope...

Sotos Syndrome, She’s Rare

"She is so big!" "Look at how long she is!" "How old is she, again? She looks so much older..." Yes, she's long. Yes, she's tall. Yes, she really is only ten months old.  Last year, on November...

I Got Mom-Shamed for Being Too Clean

As a mother, I have come to accept that even the most innocuous choices can become polarizing. We are all out here, surviving in a jungle that we volunteered to get lost in, and...

Please, Don’t Wish me a “Happy” Memorial Day

The first time it happened it, quite literally, sucked the air out of me. "Happy Memorial Day!" the gas station attendant called as I was walking out the door. It stopped me in my...