
Residing on the southside of Indy, Laura is a nurse, mother and wife. You can find her with her sidekicks: daughter Violet and son Anthony. When she gets a free moment, she enjoys painting, reading and exercising.

There’s Something about a Little Boy

I was excited but nervous when I found out I was pregnant with a boy. "What if he has a lot of energy, and I can't keep up?" I wondered. "What if he's really...

The Things I’ve Let Go of in my 30s

This year, I said goodbye to my 20s and hello to my 30s. With this new decade, I've let go of certain areas of my life. Some of these changes are intentional, and some...

Sourdough Bread: Baking Is Therapeutic for Me

About two months ago, I started my journey with baking sourdough bread. I had always been intrigued by it, admiring people's photos of beautiful, round loaves fresh from the oven. Yet, I was scared...

From Registered Nurse to Stay-At-Home Mom

Two months ago, I had my last day at work. As a hospital nurse for seven years, the hospital was my second home. It was a bittersweet saying goodbye. I didn't set out to...

The Sweetness of a Five-Year-Old

“Vivian’s dad likes purple.” My five-year-old daughter tells me, “That’s the same color that you liked when you were little!” I smile. We pulled away from the school pick-up line. My daughter is five. Out...

BeReal, The App That I Am Loving

Disclaimer: BeReal is not sponsoring this post. I've been on the BeReal app for several months and love it. I first heard about it from my sister, who uses the app. BeReal is a...

Mom or Elastigirl? The Moments That Stretch You

There are moments I'm proud of as a mom. I'm not talking about giving birth to my kids, though that is something I'm proud of. I mean the everyday moments. The moments you juggle...

I Want to Remember-Ordinary Moments in Motherhood

To my baby (8-month-old son Anthony) I jot down quotes and memories in a journal on my nightstand. I'm nearly asleep as I recall the events of the day. I want to remember. I want to...

Recipes For You and Your Family to Enjoy All Summer Long

Summer has arrived. With it, warmer weather. My tastes very much change with the season. In the summer, I crave things like pasta salad, fresh fruits and veggies, and grilled chicken. Below are some...

Pieces Of Myself: Holding Onto Interests And Hobbies In Motherhood

"Is it harder to hold on than it is to let go?" I asked myself. I set my alarm early to wake up before my kids and go for a run. I woke up early. I...

What A Box Of Rocks Taught Me

It was a warm day in February-a rarity in the Midwest. The kind of day when people put on their t-shirts and head outside after a long winter. I was in the backyard playing...

To My Girl friends, I’ll Always Need You

"So, is it everything you hoped it would be, finding the one?" She asks. Her eyes brimming with anticipation. One of my best friends, she's been there through it all. I paused for a...

Gifts That Can’t be Wrapped

For the first time, we're giving our family and friends experience-based gifts. We won't be buying physical gifts this year. To preface this, we will buy a small gift for our daughter to unwrap...

My Wild Hair And Journey To Embracing My Heritage

The hairstylist runs her fingers through my freshly cut layers. I look in the mirror, excited to see my new haircut. Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpse an impatient-looking client by...