There’s Something about a Little Boy


boyI was excited but nervous when I found out I was pregnant with a boy. “What if he has a lot of energy, and I can’t keep up?” I wondered. “What if he’s really excited about cars and trains, and I can’t share the same excitement?” “What if he’s strong-willed and doesn’t respect me?” I thought of all the extreme examples that I had seen of boys who were unruly. These are all things I worried about. My daughter was four at the time, and all I knew was the life of being a girl mom.

People reassured me that I’d be just fine and told me all the great things about having a boy. Yet I was nervous. Fast forward to two years later, and all my worries were for naught. He is the sweetest, happiest, and most fun little boy.  Does my boy have a lot of energy? Yes! Call it nature, but I find myself having energy that matches his little boy energy. I worried that I wouldn’t share his interests and wouldn’t know how to engage him in play. That’s been no issue, and even though my car sounds aren’t as good as his, he doesn’t mind, and he’s happy every time I join him in playing with cars.

My initial worries about having a strong-willed child have shown to be less of an issue. His sister gave me a run for my money. He’s proven to be a pretty easy kid. I sometimes worry that he’ll have a strong will and that I won’t be able to control him as he gets bigger. For now, I’m enjoying the sweetness of this phase. He makes us laugh every day. He’s quick to start a game of tag. Chasing after sister and laughing is his favorite thing. My son, daughter, and dog run laps around the downstairs living area. He loves rough and tumble. Seeing him play with our 90 lb lap dog has been so much fun! She is so gentle toward him. Playing with dad is one of his favorite activities. He loves to be thrown in the air. He is a little boy who loves to ride daddy’s back.

He keeps me on my toes. At age two, he’s already chipped a tooth. He’s had far more accidents than my daughter, and I’m constantly scanning my surroundings for safety hazards. There’s no limit to what he might do. He LOVES to get messy. He thinks it’s bath time every time I do the dishes and has been known to lean under the faucet, soaking his head and all his clothes. He calls himself ‘Bubby’ and points to himself, letting everyone know that he’s Bubby. At the end of the day, when we cuddle and read books, he always brings me one more book, excited to show me pictures of trains and airplanes. He loves his mama and reserves most kisses for me. Those moments are my favorite because I’m reminded that he’s still a baby. We’re captivated by his big brown eyes and his dimples. There’s just something about a little boy!


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