“So, is it everything you hoped it would be, finding the one?” She asks. Her eyes brimming with anticipation. One of my best friends, she’s been there through it all. I paused for a moment to think of my answer. I was newly married. While I was very happy, there was much to process about married life. I answered, “Yes, but you’ll always need your girl friend.”
I went on to explain to my friend that there are times when my husband doesn’t understand a particular issue. Likewise, he talks to me about things I don’t understand. Some people get married, and their old friendships fade. I discovered early on that I need the listening ear of a close girlfriend. Fast forward to six years into marriage, and I often call and text my girl friends. Girl time has always been important to me. I have four sisters who are my best friends. I have close friends I’ve had since my early teen years. These girls were there before boys became crushes. When guys entered our lives, I’m proud to say we didn’t let guys come between us.
I’ll never forget the summer night in college we sat under the stars, the cool grass beneath our feet, talking about the men who are now our husbands. I’ll never forget the smile on your face as you helped me get dressed for my date to a military ball, a smile that said, “You look beautiful, friend.” When I came home for the summers in college, I spent my days with my sisters, planning trips and traveling. We have many memories of traveling together. Our travels have taken us as far as Europe, where we’d travel with only backpacks and eat most of our meals at fast food places since that’s all we could afford. Sometimes I miss those carefree moments, miss girl time. Life gets busy. Raising little humans is no small feat. The cares of life keep us busy and weeks and months go by without seeing each other, but friendships run deep, and sisterhood will never fade.
In the evenings, when my husband is working late and the kids are sleeping, I turn on Gilmore Girls and start to think about the Dean vs. Jess debate, a debate my sisters and I engaged in often. An inner voice says, “You should be happy. You have everything you could want-the husband, the kids, the house.” I’ve reconciled with this, knowing it’s ok to miss the past while embracing the present. I now have a sister-in-law who is an angel. Facetime calls with friends who moved far away have become precious to me. These calls remind me of what it feels like to talk, laugh, and share our hearts freely. Snippets of their days with their kids make me smile. I love our families. I’m happy that my sisters and close friends have married good guys. The moments we get together fill my cup to the brim. Know that I’ll always need you and would drop everything if you need me.
I love this! Girlfriends are so important!
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