Alicia Gebert
Cozy Books to Read this Fall
As we head into the fall season, our schedules are sure to pick up with school work, functions, and extracurricular activities. Sometimes, you just need something easy, fun, and light to read to take...
My Teenage Daughter is Reading Adult Romance Books
I'm still adjusting to the fact that I have a teenage daughter. There are days that I don't even realize how old she really is. At times, she still acts like the little girl...
Books Recs for Your Summer TBR
Another school year has come and gone, and hopefully, you’ve been able to get through all the end-of-year events and are able to relax (or at least move at a more leisurely pace). While...
A Bookstore Tour – Local Indies in Indy
The number of local bookshops is growing in Indianapolis. In fact, local shop owners of Tomorrow Books organized the first-ever Indy Indie Book Crawl that just took this spring. Over the course of these...
Indy Mom’s Book Club 2023 Recap
Another year of reading is in the books (pun intended)! The Indy Mom's Book Club is wrapping up our third year together, and I'm going to recap everything we read and what we have...
Taylor Swift Brought Us Closer Together
I never thought I'd say this, but I have officially jumped on the Taylor Swift bandwagon.
My teenage daughter, like many others, has loved Taylor Swift for years. While I can't say I was into...
Book Recs for Your Favorite Fall Starbucks Drink
Fall favorite beverages are back at Starbucks, and I thought it would be fun to recommend a book to pair with these festive flavors. It might still be hot here in the Midwest, but...
Nine Books to Read this Summer
Your Indianapolis Moms resident bookworm is back with a book list made for summer. Summer is a great time to dive into books just for fun. My favorite thing about reading is simply being...
Why Are We Banning Books?
Banning and challenging books isn't new and, unfortunately, happens frequently across the country. Books are being challenged and sometimes removed from shelves in schools and public libraries. In 2022, the American Library Association reported...
Two Daughters, Two Different Stages of Life
I love being a girl mom. I’ve always considered myself a girly girl and pictured myself with daughters. When the time came to have children on my own, I’ll admit, having a boy kind...
A Day So Gray: Books About Winter For Kids And Adults
I am not a person who enjoys winter. In fact, like many people, I experience symptoms of seasonal depression. As the season approaches, I feel myself slipping into dreading the months ahead. Wondering how...
Dear Indy Moms Book Club
Dear Indy Moms Book Club,
I've been living that working mom's life hustle for 14 years and counting. I've had my fair share of ups and downs. I've moved five times, gotten divorced, re-married, and...
Everyone is a Reader – Book Recs for “Non-Readers”
Confession, I was not always the avid reader I am today. When I reveal this little tidbit about myself now, people tend to find it a little shocking. As a child, I enjoyed a...
My Favorite Books Of 2022: And Why You Should Read Them Too!
Your resident Indy Moms bibliophile is back to share what I thought were some of the best books of 2022! Just in case we haven’t met, I’m Alicia, and books are my life. I run...