Megan Gilbert-Dahl
Anticipatory Grief and the Special Needs Parent
Being a parent to children with disabilities comes with its challenges. There are various therapies, medical appointments, insurance battles, and endless piles of paperwork. These things are expected and have become a routine part...
Taking a Stand: Why Hateful Words Matter
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
Names do hurt. In fact, they hurt like hell. Certain names, words, insults, and slurs carry with them a legacy of historical...
What Moms Really Want For Christmas
It's the Holidays and you are in panic mode. You have absolutely no idea what to get your wife or your Mom. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Mom is...
An Open Adoption; Two Families Become One
People often ask what it is like to have an open adoption with my son’s birth parents. There are often questions of whether I have hesitation, concerns, or jealousy when we have visits with...
Aging; I’m Not Going Down Without a Fight
The Inevitable
Aging. It’s unavoidable. It creeps up on us at the most inopportune times. One morning you wake up and, BOOM! Wrinkles. Little saggy lines and bags appear where the skin was once firm...
Awareness Corner: National Disability Employment Awareness Month
October is the month that officially rings in Autumn. There are many things that have become synonymous with October, from pumpkin-spiced everything to Halloween activities and spooky décor. There are also many important awareness...
Surviving Divorce
I remember the moment as if it were yesterday. My ex-husband and I sitting down our then, 9-year-old son to tell him we were getting a divorce. With big huge tears in his eyes,...