January Juicing


How much do you know about juicing? Chances are you’ve heard of it, but maybe you don’t understand all the buzz surrounding it or what it’s actual purpose is. At its most basic, juicing is when you extract the juice out of various fruits and veggies in order to lose weight; something you can do to cleanse your body of toxins, as well as boosting your overall nutrients. It’s filling, it’s fun, but it can be expensive. Three years ago, we bought a centrifugal juicer. It was a bit pricey, but it’s been a great appliance, so well worth the money we spent.

When my husband was single, he was very much into health and spent a lot of his free time juicing and going to the gym and during that time he felt truly good about himself. Seeing firsthand how great it worked for him, even my mom decided to hop on the “juicing train”. But a lot has changed since then. We got married, bought our first home, and had two adorable children. Most of our free time is now devoted to them and our other adult responsibilities. Physically, neither of us are feeling great, so I decided now is a good time for me to try it out for myself and see if I can reap any of the benefits in a one week “fast“.

I also want to preface my stance on the whole going without food thing by saying that I don’t do exactly that. I’m breastfeeding two kids, so I need to eat all throughout my day. Beginning this week, my husband and I will be juicing in place of our typical dinnertime meal.

After our latest vacation, both of us have resolved to getting fit and feeling better about ourselves in general and juicing is one of the ways we plan to do just that. We have a goal to shed around 15 pounds in 2016. So this year, instead of nursing a hangover, I’d like to start with fresh veggies and a trimmer waistline, and juicing is hopefully going to help us do just that. Here are just a few of our favorite recipes:

Our Favorite Juice Recipes

  • Truvia, celery, kale, pineapple, bok choy, ginger root, lemon
  • cucumber, carrot, beet, pear, and ginger
  • green apple, lemon, kale, cucumber, and celery

In my husband’s opinion, “as long as there’s ginger, lemon, and cucumber, you can make any juice taste great.” He also occasionally likes to mix it up and throw in some chia seeds

I want to make it clear that this isn’t a “get slim quick” scheme. Aside from juicing, we’ll also be incorporating more exercise into our routine. While weight loss is one of the ultimate goals, these are simply small steps to feeling and being healthier all around, not only for ourselves, but for our kids as well.

Here’s to a Healthy and Joyous New Year!

Do you enjoy juicing? What are some of your favorite recipes?