Mommy, can I tell you something?
You are the best Mommy in the whole wide world.
You shine like the brightest star in the sky.
You don’t have to wear make-up.
You are just so pretty.
My eyes will only see your beauty.
Mommy, can I tell you something?
You give the best hugs.
You push me a thousand times and then one more.
You teach me to bake cookies.
You have endless dance parties whenever and wherever.
My joy will always be endless.
Mommy, can I tell you something?
You always fight for me.
You will always protect me.
You sit with me and hold me while I cry.
You take me everywhere I need to go.
My voice will never be silent, nor will I suffer alone.
Mommy, can I tell you something?
You yelled at me and asked for forgiveness.
You love me despite my choices or actions.
You do not complain when one more bad thing happens.
You handle so much yet give me so much.
My character and moral values come from you.
Mommy, can I tell you something?
I still want a bedtime story or song.
I still want to be snuggled.
I still want the kisses and hugs even if I say “that’s not cool.”
I still want our mommy/kid dates.
I may call you different names, but I will always need my mommy.
“Mommy, can I tell you something?”
This statement always brings a smile on my face. All three of my children will occasionally say this phrase. This phrase means that they are about to tell me one of two things. One, they are about to tell me something that they did wrong and ask for forgiveness. Two, they will say something that reminds me that I am a fantastic mom for my KIDS. Now for your kids, I would be only an adequate caregiver. You are their mommy. You are doing a stellar job even if you question yourself daily. The point is that you CARE about how good of a mom you are being, and that care is what makes you one fantastic mom.
Have your kids told you something that you would like to share? Make sure to leave a comment!