My Happy Plates – Meal Planning Made Easier


(Disclosure: Indianapolis Moms Blog received product or payment in exchange for this review; however, all opinions shared are those of the contributor who wrote them.)

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Being a mom is hard work! Whether it’s work, play dates, practice or all of the above, life (and kids) keeps you busy. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could just plan your weekly menu and make your shopping list for you? Let me tell you a little secret – there IS someone who will do just that! My Happy Plates will help you put healthy meals on the table while saving you time on both cooking and shopping.  Each week, members are sent weekly meal plans with quick, healthy, delicious recipes with detailed and convenient shopping lists. Meal plans include four different options – Everyday, Vegetarian, Paleo and Smoothie+Juice. And as a member you have access to all four each week! Recipes and meals require less than 20 minutes of “hands-on” time, which is perfect for that busy work week. The meal plans have been crafted by the my happy plates chefs and nutrition team to offer you flavorful and healthy meals each night of the week.

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Recipes offer step-by-step cooking instructions as well as ingredients for every dinner of the week.  Shopping lists and recipes are also sent to your email so they are easily accessible from your phone, tablet or computer – whichever is most convenient for you!

Have you ever heard of the saying, “work smarter, not harder?”  my happy plates does just that for you!  And less work for you means more time with the family, so it’s a win-win situation for all.

Right now, my happy plates is offering our readers the opportunity to save over 50% off when signing up! Visit their site for more information.