
Amanda Shaffer

Amanda Shaffer
Amanda is a stay-at-home mom and wife. Momarazzi and coffee addict. Originally from a small town she is navigating motherhood and her new city all at once.

World Kindness Day: Ways to Celebrate with Your Child

World Kindness Day is Wednesday, November 13th. Since my son was born, I have tried to make kindness the norm in our household. Not so much something we do- but who we are. While I...

It’s Apple Season!

My favorite season is quickly approaching and with the crisp air and shorter days brings... APPLES. I didn't think that I could love fall any more than I do and then I got to...

Little Moments Matter

Maple leaf seeds.  Maple leaf seeds on a Monday morning were just the reminder that I needed.  My toddler and I had woken up and been faced with another forecast of rain. Rain. Again. I quickly...

The Coffee Cup

The giant gallon of milk dwarfs my tiny 10-year-old hands. A shaky splash of milk hits the hot coffee and I am memorized by the dance the two liquids do together. One teaspoon of...

Saying Goodbye to my Son’s First Home

It was another unseasonably warm winter day. I bundled my 2-year-old up and we were off to visit one of our favorite Indianapolis spots: The Indiana State Museum. I was greeted with a warm smile...

Valentine’s Day Crafts for Toddlers- Made Simple

I've always been a crafty person. I love scrapbooking, journaling, painting, and creating but with that said both of my sisters definitely inherited more artistic traits and talents. Crafting and creating on the toddler level...

Capturing Childhood

Anyone that knows me knows that I love to capture a moment. If you are a family member or friend you've posed for me countless times and most likely have received a framed print...

Hovering Between Helicopter and Hot Mess: When You Don’t Fit a Mom Type

Recently I was in a large group of moms during a Q and A session when one of the audience members asked the hosts, "What do you do about helicopter moms?" I sunk into...

How Motherhood Changed the Conversation with My Body

Looking back I can clearly remember when the conversation with my body changed from appreciation to criticism. I lived a childhood of being a tomboy and enjoying the outdoors and sports. To say I...
please be kind

Dear Son, If You Can Only Be One Thing, Please Be Kind

As I sit in my son's bedroom rocking him to sleep I realize these moments are fleeting. He's quickly outgrowing my lap as I rock him to sleep. I listen to his slow rhythmic breathing...

Tips For Flying with Toddlers

It's 4:30 AM and I gently lift my two year out of his crib with just a little light leaking in from the hallway. With a quick diaper change and the luggage already in...

5 Things I Love About the Indianapolis Public Library

One of the best and most utilized resources I have as a stay at home mom is access to the Indianapolis Public Library. After moving to Indianapolis from a small town in Michigan, I...

How a Nurse Helped Me Heal

"Amanda?"  I hear my name echo the small waiting room. My stomach dropped to my feet as I grabbed my one-year-old son's plump, dimply hand. "You ready?", I smile down at him.  It has only...

Navigating Motherhood Without My Mother

If you ask me to tell you about losing my mother the first thing that comes to my mind is that last morning. The aroma of coffee fills my nostrils and the buzz of...