

Kate is a born and bred Hoosier, who has planted roots on the Southside. She and her husband are the proud parents of two rambunctious little boys. They have the privilege of raising their toddlers out in the country, where she enjoys a bit of a slower pace of life. Kate graduated from IUPUC in 2009 with a degree in Elementary Education and is a second grade teacher. When she isn't busy wrangling toddlers, she loves reading, writing, and working on her latest adventure: running. She strongly believes that no Mama should feel alone, and enjoys writing honestly about being a wife and a Mommy, and all the adventures it brings.

Struggling with the ADHD Medication Shortage

This week alone, I have played phone tag with numerous pharmacies, my doctor’s office, and our insurance company in search of one thing: the medication I take daily to curb the symptoms of moderate...

The Gifts of Grief

In October of 2022, my grandpa passed away. Losing him was a loss unlike anything I had ever known. And so was the grief. In therapy (everyone should go to therapy!), my therapist talked...

RSD and Motherhood

My ADHD diagnosis came with several revelations. At 32, I received my official diagnosis, though I knew long before that I had quirks that likely fell into a type of ADHD category. I have...

Birthday Parties Stink

This morning, my eight-year-old bounded down the stairs, asking, “Do you know what day it is? One month until my birthday!!” I smiled big and said, “Yes! It’s so exciting!” How I felt on the...

I Used to be Pro-Life

I have mulled this post over in my mind for months now, afraid to open Pandora’s box on a topic that so many are wholly invested in. However, I think it is important to...

Saying Goodbye To Resolutions

It is currently 8:07 PM on New Year’s Eve. In prior years I would have had a laundry list of New Year's resolutions. They typically looked something like this: -stop eating sugar -exercise 3x a week -read at...

Everything You Ever Wanted

Do you remember when you wanted this? Craved this? Would have given anything for the life you have now? It’s really difficult to remember. It seems like a lifetime ago, and god knows the chaos...

Kindergarten, Round Two

This year I will be sending my son to kindergarten. I am not new to this rodeo. Two years ago, I stressed how my oldest would handle the transition to kindergarten all summer. We were...

When Someone You Love is Grieving

In the last month alone, numerous friends of mine have lost loved ones in incidents that were not expected. A man in his thirties to a genetic condition that seemingly came out of nowhere. A...

I Cry in My Closet

We recently built a new home. It is a dream come true for us. I love our open floor plan, our kitchen with tons of cabinet space, and my quartz countertops. I adore our...

A Word for the New Year

Personally, I do not feel like I can choose words to describe the last few years. Any narrative I can think of doesn’t come close to conveying the way we have felt since March...

Face to Face with Covid-19

This past weekend, my mom tested positive for Covid-19. The following day my stepdad also tested positive. None of this would have been surprising to us except for the fact that they are both...

Dear Mama, A Letter to the Single Moms on Mother’s Day

Dear Mama, I know that your life may not look exactly as you had hoped it would. Things may not be how you pictured, but I want you to know that you are seen. Not...

What We Want and What We Need

From the moment we knew our son was a boy, we had visions of football dancing in our heads. My husband and I are big Notre Dame fans, and the thought of watching our...