

Lauren is a wife, mother and public relations professional. A born and raised Hoosier, she loves all things Indiana. After spending two years fighting the tourists in Orlando, Florida, Lauren returned home to this great state and now lives in Carmel. A self proclaimed "boy mom", Lauren loves spending time with her little man Andrew and husband James. She is a sports lover, runner and avid traveler. Lauren considers motherhood her greatest adventure and loves that she gets to share her stories with IMB readers!
Mom life can often by a stressful one.

Sometimes Being a Mom is Hard

Sometimes being a mom is hard. I had one of those weeks this week.  We have all had one like this, and most of us have had a few. Work is stressful, my husband...

Give Me the Turkey, the Football and the Family Craziness – I Love Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving. It is far and away my favorite holiday. A girlfriend asked me a few weeks back to rank holidays and I spoke without hesitation that Thanksgiving was number one. Here’s why! Ok,...
What happens after childbirth?

The Not So Glamorous Side to Childbirth…Stuff I Wish They Told Me

"Just don’t forget disposable underwear and pads the size of your arm." That was what I led with when talking about the not so glamorous side of childbirth.  My poor, recently pregnant friend looked at...

Mommy Heaven, My Simple and Quiet Little Dreamland

I am pretty sure there is a "Mommy Heaven" somewhere out there.  It's a simple place.  A getaway, a haven of sorts for over-worked, under rested mothers who do it all.  I often go...

Indiana, My Home Sweet Home

I love Indiana.  When people ask where I’m from, I quickly reply, “I’m a born and raised Hoosier”.  I grew up just south of Indianapolis and am now raising a family just north of...

Baby #2. When is the right time to get pregnant a second time around?

When is the right time to have baby number two? If you are anything like me, then you have been thinking about your second child since baby number one was about a month old. ...
Boys know how to perfect a selfie at a young age.

Ten Surprising Things I Didn’t Realize About Raising a Boy

I’m a boy mom now. Eighteen months following the birth of my son, I am definitely proud of this fact and can’t imagine it any other way. However, at the ten-week mark in my...
Sometimes breastfeeding just clicks!

Breastfeeding: Why it was a Love/Hate Relationship for Me

I wanted to breastfeed my son, but I didn’t want it to rule my life. There I said it. I wanted to give my son the best possible nourishment, but I also wanted to...
My mom and I

I’m Turning Into My Mother and That’s OK

“You are turning into your mother,” said my husband. Straight from his mouth to my ears. “Crap.” I thought. It’s the beginning of the end.   But is it? My mom and I have always had...
A mother's intuition is rarely wrong.

Mother’s Intuition: Learning to Trust Ourselves

Ok, gut-check ladies. Have you had a situation lately where that strong and feisty mom gut has told you something wasn’t right?   Anyone raising their hand?  Well call it what you will, gut check,...
Is it time to cut?

To Cut His Hair or Not to Cut His Hair…That is the Question

My 15-month-old son woke up with the cutest curls in his hair the other morning. His sandy brown locks have the most adorable ringlets I have ever seen and people are constantly commenting on his...
Like I have to remind him...

I’m Changing My Name to Dada

I’m changing my name. I have decided that Mama is inadequate and that from this point forward I will be Dada instead.  I mean, who decided on Mama anyways?  It’s harder to say and...

Sleep and your new baby: Ten Tips for Making It Happen

As mom’s we all want to know the magic spell to ensure our babes are good sleepers.  During pregnancy, I continued to think about whether I would be one of the lucky ones that had...
Cherish these moments.

I’m On the Mom Struggle Bus

I’m on the mom struggle bus. I’m on the mom struggle bus and lately I feel like the darn thing won’t stop to let me off. Its been a slow build up, but today I...