Sometimes being a mom is hard. I had one of those weeks this week. We have all had one like this, and most of us have had a few. Work is stressful, my husband was out of town, kiddo got sick and I just felt like you couldn’t control a thing anymore. Doesn’t matter how many kids you have, where you live, married or not married, stay at home mom or working mom. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, sometimes being a mom is hard.

I was searching for answers and felt like I was continually coming up short. Web MD’ing my way through Andrew’s illness, a trip to the pediatrician and even a visit to immediate care…he was still sick. I took two days off and was working late after my son’s bedtime…but I still felt behind. And in between it all, I was constantly calling my husband to update him and have him talk me off a ledge…but he was still not home yet. And when he finally did arrive home, he too caught the same bug my son had…I couldn’t catch a break.
I was (am) beat. Give me the wine IV now, ladies. So as I sat down to relax, I was pleasantly surprised to find the most reassuring words of wisdom for this mom on NBC.
God love “This Is Us”. In this episode, Randall was having his first child with his wife Beth. He was fresh off a breakdown of sorts and he, too, was looking for answers on how to be a good parent. It was a trip to the hardware store that gave him what he needed. The sales associate helping him said, “Look, babies come with the answers. They come out, they look up at you.… They tell you who you are.” Now at this point, I’m sobbing, but it was a hell of a reminder for me. No, I don’t have a newborn, but I am still learning. And at that moment, it was exactly what I needed to hear.

I am a mom. I am a strong, passionate, caring, love my family like crazy mom. And every time I look at my son, Andrew, I know that’s exactly who I am, in hard times and in easy ones. I want to do it all, but some weeks (like this one) it doesn’t always go to plan. Other times, you kill it on all fronts. It’s a give and take we all understand.
So being a mom is hard sometimes. But it’s who I am and I know that all I need to do when I lose sight of things is look down at my son and he will show me the way.