Lindsay Moore-Ostby

Lindsay Moore-Ostby
I am a primary care physician, lactation consultant, and co-owner of Indy Direct Docs, an Indianapolis direct primary care clinic. I love that my job lets me care for people of all ages. I especially love supporting my patients in the postpartum period, often with in-home visits that allow me to really personalize support. I work hard, but coming home to my family is the best. I live in Indianapolis with my husband and two young children. We love legos, building toys of all kinds, walks in nature, and playing pretend. Our favorite dinner is either breakfast-for-dinner or any night my husband makes homemade pizza. And nothing beats a good family snuggle on the couch.

Tips To Practice Consent With Your Young Child

I stood stunned momentarily when my five-year-old calmly told me, “Mama, I said no, I do not consent. That means it is NOT ok for you to keep trying.” What led to this emphatic...

Breastfeeding Is A Team Sport: Top Tips For Support Partners 

Breastfeeding may seem like a solitary activity, but it benefits so much from support by a partner and others. Everything about raising a baby, including lactation, truly is a team sport. This is especially...

Postpartum Breast Swelling: Why It Matters For Lactation And How To Treat It

Postpartum breast swelling is very common and can cause significant discomfort and difficulty with breastfeeding in the first weeks. Unfortunately, it is often not noticed or treated properly. As a Breastfeeding Medicine physician, I...

I’m Here If You Need Me – My Parenting Mantra

We spend a lot of time discussing ways to ensure our children develop independence. The discussions start in infancy with topics like sleep and self-soothing, then branch into questions like how to handle skinned...

Breastfeeding Education To Rock Pumping For Your NICU Baby

Breastfeeding education for new parents is improving, but often leaves out parents whose babies are facing medical challenges. Breastfeeding and lactation can be difficult in the best circumstances, and adding your baby’s medical needs...

My Mom Is Still Here… But She Isn’t

Adulting is relentless. How did I not realize just how relentless it would be? I have been dealing with my mother’s worsening dementia for quite a few years now. At the same time, I...

Breastfeeding “Tips” That Are Sometimes Not the Best Idea

When you become a parent, suddenly, everyone around you has advice to give on everything from diaper choice to infant feeding. It is usually well intended, but sometimes the very advice you’re given is...

Plugged Ducts Don’t Exist – Debunking Tall Tales in Breastfeeding

Plugged ducts don’t exist. Yes, I said what I said. And I will keep spreading this message as loudly and as often as I can. I can practically hear every parent who has ever...

Keeping Kids Safe: A Pediatrician’s Top Tips

As a pediatrician, I know many everyday items' dangers for small children. As a parent, I know it's impossible to prevent every accident. Kids are curious, fast, and inventive. This list is not exhaustive...

Lessons In Grieving While Raising Children

Grief sucks, and grieving while raising small children adds a layer of difficulty to the situation. Helping my children grieve when I am grieving myself has been a challenge. My children are still just...

Hyperlactation and Oversupply: Secret Breastfeeding Struggle

Hyyperlactation is one of the most overlooked breastfeeding struggles. We often talk about when moms DON’T make enough milk. But less often discussed is the problem of making too much milk. Moms are often...

Defining Luxury In Motherhood

My concept of luxury has dramatically shifted from my pre-baby self. Luxury in the past would have meant occasional expensive items like a beautiful purse, a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Italy, or a foodie meal...

The Milk Bank: Helping Babies In Need

Blood donation is a topic most people are familiar with. Human milk donation, however, is another story. Few people are aware of donor milk banking and the many medical benefits it offers vulnerable infants....

What Toys Are Best? A Pediatrician Mom Weighs In

As a pediatrician, parents often ask me what toys are ‘best’ for their kids. As a mom, I have looked through many review lists, tried many toys with my kids, and learned that there...