Sierra Sullivan

Sierra Sullivan

Tips to Maximize Your Disney World Vacation

This fall break, my family embarked on the ultimate experience: a Walt Disney World vacation. When I started planning our trip in early spring, I knew next to nothing about a Disney vacation. The...

Working Mom, Stay-at-Home Mom, or Somewhere In Between?

Working mom, stay-at-home mom, or somewhere in between? In my seven years of parenting, I’ve done it all. For five years as a working mom, I struggled to strike a balance between home and...

Take Care of Yourself This Summer

Summer is here! All school year, we look forward to this season: the warm weather, relaxed routines, vacations, and time with family. As a mom, ensuring my children are entertained and having the best...
yes day

Saying “Yes” to Yes Day

We finally did it. We said "yes" to a Yes Day.  A Yes Day, if you're unfamiliar with the term, is a day where the kids make the rules, and for 24 hours, parents say...

When Motherhood Feels Unfair

“Sometimes motherhood feels unfair.” The words tumbled out of my mouth and landed on what seemed like deaf ears. I felt unseen and undervalued. The weight of the mental load was crushing. It was the...

The Quiet Sunday

It's Sunday, late afternoon. I'm sitting in my favorite spot on the couch, reading a book and sipping tea. The laundry is folded and put away. Dinner is made. The kids are playing nicely....

Welcoming A New Pet Into Our Home

At the end of October, we made the challenging decision to put down our beloved cat, Snuggie. Making that choice was very difficult, but we knew it was best after watching her health and...

My Husband Lost His Job

My husband lost his job. Before that, many changes were happening within his company, and we knew the layoff was a possibility. Possibility quickly shifted to reality when he received a meeting request from...

Shades of Becoming a Mom

Our stories are powerful. When we share them, they can help us heal and bring hope to others. The following stories highlight the unimaginable, pregnancy and infant loss. Story One She was 18 years old, a...

Navigating Peer Influence

As my son completed his kindergarten year, I began to reflect on the school year. Overall, the school experience was positive for our son and family. However, one thing that I felt unprepared for...

The Week Without Dad

My husband recently traveled for work. Although this wasn’t the first time he’s traveled for business, it was the first time since having our second child. In the weeks leading up to his trip,...

Mommy, Will You Play With Me?

“Mommy, will you play with me?” I hear this question at least five times before I enjoy my breakfast. When my kindergartener gets home from school, I’m inundated by the same question while I’m...

Black History Month Changed My Perspective on Raising Biracial Children

My family and I reside in a suburban community outside the city, and while it is diversifying, our interracial family is still a minority. For that reason, we normalize conversations about race and do...

Taco Tuesday Gives Me Hope

My kids are picky eaters. Staples in our house include pancakes, waffles, strawberries, apples, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, plain pasta, cheese pizza, and oatmeal. The youngest is a little more “adventurous.” She will eat...