February 3rd: Wear Red for Women Day!
Feb. 3, 2017 is Wear Red for Women Day! Did you know that because of this awareness-raising initiative, nearly 300 fewer women die of heart disease and stroke each day?!
Preeclampsia: It’s not a word...
Encouraging Words for My Fellow Moms
Adulting is hard. Adulting as a mom who has a job outside of the home or stays at home (I've done both) really hard. Amiright?! (And my baby has colic...don't get me started...but that's...
The Magic and Madness of Age Seven
Our little girl Lauren recently wrapped up her kindergarten year with a bang: she lost one of her front teeth and moved into her new "big girl" room all in the same week that...
A Before Baby Bucket List
I was listening to the Pregnancy Confidential podcast the other day, which you should check out if you are expecting. The talks cover a different topic each week that relate to the week of...
Tips for the First Half of Pregnancy from a Second-time Mom
I'm currently 21 weeks into my second pregnancy and just past the half way point! However, my first born is seven years old now, so the first time I did this was a long time...
Surviving and Thriving with a Special Needs Child
A happy, easy baby: that's what our daughter Lauren was from the time she was born. She nursed and napped often and easily and started sleeping through the night at just over four months...
6 Reasons I’m Glad I Waited to Have Kids
I had my first child at 28, and am pregnant with my second at 35. There were many reasons I decided to wait to have kids until I was in my late twenties; I'm...
Birthday Parties: Then and Now
Do you remember many of your birthday parties from when you were a child? Or maybe a better question is: did you have birthday parties when you were a kid? My husband remembers having...
Surviving Winter with Seasonal Affective Disorder
The winter months here in the Midwest can be really tough. Unlike the summer months when you can dash out the door in a tank top and shorts, now you have to take the time...
10 Things I Learned as a New Stay-at-Home Mom
My January of 2015 started out with a bang. Three months into my new job as an Investment Reporting Manager, I was called into an office with the HR Manager. To my disbelief, she...