September Bucket List


September arrives, and it awakens in me a desire to be open to new opportunities and do more of what I love. It’s a reminder of new beginnings. Letting go of what no longer serves me, recognizing blessings, and basking in the stillness while being energized by what’s to come. While many feel this sense of renewal in the summer, I usually want to simply “be” in the summer. I don’t like to overschedule or overcomplicate my life in those months. I’m not one to have a major “to-do” list in the summer – other than the ever-present “honey-do” list. But as September makes its appearance, I find myself wanting more tradition, nostalgia, and adventures.

While I don’t keep a big bucket list for life, I did sit down and think about some of those traditions and adventures I want to do this September. I also did some reflecting on what changes I need to make as the seasons change. Some are for my family. Some are just for me as I feel that yearning for all the good vibes September ushers in. Here is my September bucket list:

  • Go on a hike on a new trail
  • Make homemade pumpkin spice syrup (because momma can’t afford the daily PSL life)
  • Make a new soup recipe
  • Make my favorite stew recipe (times three – one extra to put in the freezer for a busy night and one to share with a friend)
  • Thrift a new-to-me cozy sweater
  • Write weekly in my gratitude journal
  • Plant mums (and remember to water them)
  • Research what to plant in the fall
  • Pick fruits at a local orchard and then bake a pie with the kids
  • Create an autumn craft with the kids and then display it
  • Hang family pictures
  • Make a bonfire, cook an entire meal over the fire, and eat outside as a family
  • Increase my daily steps
  • Read a book with fall feels
  • Try a new coffee shop
  • Clean out and donate clothes as the weather changes
  • Buy an ice cream cake just because
  • Visit a local farm
  • Attend a fall festival
  • Make a bird feeder
  • Bake a loaf of bread weekly
  • Say grace before meals as a family
  • Watch sporting events of my nieces and nephews.
  • Take the kids on a surprise weekend day trip
  • Simmer cider on the stove with red hots
  • Organize my TBRs
  • Sell baby items that my youngest has outgrown (and try not to break down in tears for the lack of baby items around the house)
  • Take an inventory of my pantry and freezer and then cook using what I have
  • Be slow to anger
  • Schedule bloodwork to check hormone levels and overall wellness
  • Play catch in the backyard
  • Visit a new park
  • Watch football while eating a crockpot appetizer with the windows open
  • Learn a new board game with the kids
  • Plan a ten-year anniversary adventure with my husband
  • Try a new beer and a new tea
  • Plan a date with old friends and something with a new friend
  • Hug, kiss, and say “I love you” as often as possible

My hope is to continue many of these bucket list items into October and beyond while holding space for new experiences and aspirations. What’s important is that I recognize that every day is a new beginning. Every season brings new thorns and roses, triggers and glimmers. The point is not to be stifled by what can hold me back but to continue to grow and change like the seasons.

What is on your September bucket list?