Do you struggle every holiday season with eating all the food? All the sweets? All the holiday drinks? I know I do! As a Whole30 Certified Coach, I’ve helped my clients (and myself) learn how to navigate the holidays without feeling guilty for the seasonal indulging. I have a huge sweet tooth and in the past would eat a cookie, then go back for another, then another, then another (while washing it down with wine in between). I would wake up the next day feeling not only horrible physically, but I also felt guilty for overindulging. Food is neither good nor bad. It is simply meant for nourishment and enjoyment. I’m going to share my tips for helping you consciously eat and enjoy all of the amazing treats you’ll have throughout the holidays (and a fun recipe at the end):
• Drink plenty of water before, during and after your meals
• Don’t skip meals—make sure you are eating healthy meals before headed to a holiday party (don’t starve yourself just so you can overindulge)
• Be active—keep up your fitness routine and/or include your family by going on walks or hikes together
• Thoroughly enjoy the treats that have a special meaning to you, that evoke tradition, or that remind of you of a loved one that you only have during this time of the year
• Pick a smaller plate, so you don’t overfill it and then eat it all
• Sample bites of desserts instead of big heaping helpings
• Take a moment and make conscious choices of what foods are worth it to you or not
• Eat slowly and savor every bite
• Don’t feel one ounce of guilt for enjoying yourself!
Enjoy yourself this holiday season and this yummy holiday treat!
[yumprint-recipe id=’15’]