If you know me personally, you know I am continually talking up the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis. It’s because my family enjoys the benefits on most days of the week. Obviously each of the 12 locations will provide you with access to an awesome workout environment, but did you know there are lots of other perks to having a membership? Especially if you’re a local parent!
Something my family loves is that included in your membership is that you can use any location in Indy! And lots of other locations around the United States if you happen to be traveling. Each has something unique to offer the community.
Here’s the breakdown.
You can find an indoor pool at most locations including: Baxter, Jordan, Irsay Family YMCA at CityWay, Hendricks Regional Health YMCA, Fishers, Benjamin Harrison, Orthoindy Foundation YMCA, Witham Family YMCA, and Ransburg. Check with your local location; most have zero-depth entry and water features.
The outdoor pool options are fantastic for the summer months. Baxter, Jordan, Fishers, Benjamin Harrison, and Ransburg offer lap swim pools, water slides, and splash pad features for the little kids.
There are indoor walking/running tracks at the Irsay and OrthoIndy Foundation locations.
The Hendricks Regional Health location even features an indoor climbing wall for kids.
You’ll find INDOOR PLAYGROUNDS at Baxter, Fishers, Benjamin Harrison, Hendricks Regional Health, and OrthoIndy Foundation locations. Hi, free activity for those crummy weather days.
And I discover more about each location every time we go.
Now, for the best part. Free. Childcare.
Most locations of our Indy YMCA offer up to two hours every day with your household membership. You might be thinking, there is no way I’m going to workout every day for two hours. No, but those two hours allow you to workout, sit in the sauna or whirlpool, take a long hot shower without someone whining and crying that the Disney+ app is showing other characters besides Buzz when the movie is literally called “Toy Story” not “Buzz” they’re going to show other TOYS, OK sorry, I digress.
Blow-dry your hair, check your email in peace, at some locations you can grab lunch or a snack AND YOU WON’T HAVE TO SHARE IT WITH ANYONE.
This free childcare alone is worth the membership fee, but there’s more!
Members can purchase punch cards and drop off kids for up to 3 hours at $5/hour. Go get lunch with your spouse or a friend, get your haircut, or run those errands you don’t want to take a two-year-old on.
Purchase a spot for your kids to have dinner and play on a Friday or Saturday night. Go on a date and come back and get them at 9 pm. Check with the location closest to you, some host these Kid’s night outs every other weekend.
The Y at the Athenaeum allows you the option to drop your kids for two hours of free care and go to Coat Check Coffee down the hallway. Why do you not have a membership yet?!
Most locations also have free towel service, read: you don’t have to worry about packing one more thing for your family. All locations offer free cycle and yoga classes with your membership. Check your local location for things like family locker rooms, preschool classes, saunas and whirlpools, discounts on swim lessons, summer camps, gymnastic/dance classes, before and after school care programs, personal training, and so much more. Pre-pandemic, we used our Indy YMCA almost every day of the week. The membership price is a steal if you take into consideration the childcare options and activities for kids. If you’re a parent in Indy and you’re not already a member, sign up for a membership today. If you do, tell them Indianapolis Moms sent you!
*From the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis website: In accordance with Gov. Holcomb’s Back On Track Indiana roadmap, the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis began its phased reopening with three Centers outside of Marion County opening on May 24: the Fishers YMCA in Fishers; the Hendricks Regional Health YMCA in Avon; and the Witham Family YMCA in Lebanon. Eight additional YMCA Centers, including here at the Irsay Family YMCA at CityWay, will reopen on June 1 in alignment with Mayor Hogsett’s plans for Indianapolis. Stay tuned here and follow us on social media for additional updates. Thank you for your continued support of the YMCA.*