Starting today, anyone in Marion County will be required to wear masks in public places. Before we share where to get face masks in Indianapolis, here are the details that you should know about this mandate:
- Everyone over the age of 2 must wear a mask.
- It applies to anyone inside or outside in public places where people who do not share a household are closer than 6 feet apart.
- Masks must be worn in restaurants or bars while waiting to be seated but do not need to be worn when eating or drinking.
- Hearing or speaking impaired are exempt from wearing a mask as well as any person that has a medical reason not to wear a mask.
- People in groups of 25 or less that are exercising outdoors are also exempt.
While there are only three other counties in Indiana with this mandate, it is not unrealistic to assume that we will all soon be in this position at some point. Therefore stocking up on masks for the family is never a bad idea! Especially with schools anticipating regular start dates, students will also need to be equipped with face masks as part of their school supplies. Our team has rounded up a handful of places you can purchase face masks to help you get started!
**Note that any resident of Marion County can apply for a FREE face mask here!
Local Shops
Angie’s Handmade Gifts + Aprons
Other Places to Check Out
The House of Perna (for every face mask you buy, she will donate one!)
Sewing Down South (Bravo fans, this is Craig Conover’s shop!)
As we continue to navigate things during the virus outbreak, we can all agree that our number one goal is to keep our friends and family safe.
Share with us! Where have you grabbed masks so far? Where do you go to get face masks in Indianapolis?