Primary Preparations


With the primary election just over a week away, you may be sick of hearing about it, excited, or even wondering “what’s all the fuss?” 

Whether or not things went your way in 2016, I think many of us are feeling motivated to do what we can to make our vote count. Admittedly, things didn’t turn out the way I had hoped in 2016. At that time, I realized that I want to represent and be represented! I made a commitment to myself to take small steps in that direction.

  1. I ran, and was elected, to my neighborhood board. 
  2. I enrolled as a volunteer at our schools. 
  3. I committed to being more informed about our local officials and voting, especially in the primaries.

I’ve never been a straight-ticket voter. Therefore, I automatically counted myself out during previous primaries. I never realized that the primary is one of the most important phases of an election. During the primary, each vote counts the most, because it gives people the ability to decide who the best candidate is.

This year, I plan to take my vote more seriously and identify which candidates offer solutions to issues affecting my family and community. I recognize the down-ballot primaries will be of significant consequence in many states, including ours. I see this as an extra opportunity to teach my kids about civic engagement and democracy.  

That’s why I will be voting in the primary. I hope you will join me! 


  • I want YOU to vote! 



  • Primary voting: May 5th, 2020
  • Early voting: up to 28 days early in Indianapolis. 
  • Election Day voting: November 3rd, 2020

Where: Find your polling place here.

How: From the same site you can also check your status and register to vote by:

  1. Have a valid Indiana Driver’s License or Indiana State Identification Card.
  2. Be a citizen of the United States.
  3. Be at least 18 years old on or before the next general, municipal, or special election. (A 17-year-old may register and vote in the primary election if the voter turns 18 on or before the next general or municipal election.)
  4. Have lived in your precinct for at least 30 DAYS before the next general, municipal, or special election.
  5. Not currently imprisoned after being convicted of a crime.

There’s a lot to consider when evaluating a candidate–experience, attendance, their stand on issues, voting records, are they a “good” or “smart” person, are they likely to win?  

What do you consider when making your choice?

What will you do to rock your vote?  

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Kristi Howard-Shultz
Kristi grew up in Danville, Indiana where she met her childhood sweetheart and now husband Elliott. After years of living apart including graduate school in New York City and military tours abroad, they resettled and started a family in Indianapolis. Together, they are raising two bright and busy boys—Henry and George. She has a Master's Degree in Social work from New York University and is a RYT 200 Yoga Teacher. In her “spare” time, she enjoys reading memoirs, chasing her boys, and listening to her husband, the funniest person she knows.