Living the Dream, Albeit Slightly Different Than I Imagined


When I was growing up I wanted to be an actress. It was my original dream. Then it turned to singer, turned Broadway star. (I know you’re laughing, but bear with me.) Once I hit college I knew that dream wasn’t exactly a walk in the park, so it turned into a desire to work in broadcasting. I wanted to move to Bristol, work at ESPN and be the next Robin Roberts. I was set, but then reality hit. I moved home following college, moved in with my parents, and started interviewing for TV jobs. I quickly realized the job offers I was receiving to work in the middle of nowhere didn’t allow for me to even have a livable wage, let alone much of a life. Once again, I shoved that dream into my back pocket and moved forward.

I got lucky. I quickly found a job in a parallel industry (public relations) and never looked back…ish. I’ve been working in PR for 15+ years. I love my job. It’s afforded me a great life, some really fun adventures, and a beautiful family. All things I’m proud of. However, I can’t help but look back at the decision I made to give up my original dream and wonder, what if?

I went to a wedding recently where I ran into an old classmate of mine from college. We took the same classes, studied the same things, but went in different directions post-graduation. I moved home, got a job in PR, and started a family. He moved to New York, started working at one of the national TV networks, and is now a senior staffer at a top morning show. (Jealous!) During our conversation, I looked at him and said, “Wow, you did it, you’re doing it. You’ve really made it!” Not because I was being nice, but simply because I truly felt like he was living the dream, my dream. It didn’t take long for him to smile and chuckle a bit and say, “Lauren, you’re doing it too!”

You see, I told him about my kids, my husband, my job, my life in the burbs. And I didn’t realize it at the time, but there was likely envy from him as well. What if he had made a different decision or taken a different path. I was shocked certainly, but looking back now I understand. It’s ok for me to wonder what if, while still appreciating what I have now. 

My family
My family, my new dream.

Envy is funny that way. It’s not always what it’s cracked up to be and quite frankly the grass isn’t always greener. I don’t think I will ever stop dreaming of co-hosting Sportscenter or being on the sidelines for the Super Bowl or College Game Day. But I can also confidently say I will never stop appreciating the life I have now and the dream I am now living.

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Lauren is a wife, mother and public relations professional. A born and raised Hoosier, she loves all things Indiana. After spending two years fighting the tourists in Orlando, Florida, Lauren returned home to this great state and now lives in Carmel. A self proclaimed "boy mom", Lauren loves spending time with her little man Andrew and husband James. She is a sports lover, runner and avid traveler. Lauren considers motherhood her greatest adventure and loves that she gets to share her stories with IMB readers!


  1. You are living your beautiful dream. And I’m so blessed to be a part of it. So proud of you and your family. Love your biggest fan! Mom

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