With Christmas nearing, I’m getting in all the holiday movies I can before it’s officially “over.” I mean, the list of favorites could go on and on – A Christmas Story, Love Actually, The Grinch, Santa Claus; the list will never stop. But there is something about Home Alone that takes me right back to my childhood. I remember watching that clever little Kevin McCallister and cheering along with him as he outsmarted those pesky burglars.
But the other night as I enjoyed this movie curled up in my bed it hit me – Kevin McCallister is my spirit animal. He feels me. He gets me. My life can clearly and accurately be entirely retold through the actions of this 8 year old kid.
Let me show you what I mean…
My Life. According to Kevin McCallister
The moment the clock ticks 7:01 am on Saturday Morning
How my kids behave before I drink my coffee
When I ask someone to hang up their coat for me
After telling my son for the 2948309 time to stop fighting with his sisters
Because I have told my kids 43934859 times to stop fighting
And then this is how they respond
Me waiting for my husband to come home
Because you know, I just cleaned the house
Their faces when I tell them to stop or I’m calling Santa
When I finally think I get a handle on this whole motherhood thing
I told you our lives were basically parallel. And even though I’ve seen the movie 8 million times, I never realized until now how prophetic young Kevin McAllister really was. The next time you watch Home Alone, see if, too, can see yourself in the many faces of McCauley Culkin (the young one. The old one got kind of creepy).