No More New Year, New You: Ten 2021 Self-Love Mantras


Happy 2021! The new year has to be better than 2020, right?  Absolutely!  As you’re reflecting on what you had hoped to accomplish in 2020, it’s ok if you didn’t accomplish all that you wished to with all of the roadblocks 2020 presented. In all reality, a recent study has shown that only 19% of people actually keep their resolutions.  That’s not very many!  With so many folks sharing their new year resolutions and goals for 2021, it can become overwhelming for you to set big lofty new year goals for yourself too.  Now, goal setting is very important (I’ve shared tips for new year goal setting before here) but it has to be personal and attainable for you…no one else.  It’s very easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to what others are doing and feel like you need to create a new version of yourself in 2021 and change who you are to keep up with everyone else. (SPOILER: you don’t have to change who you are.)

While goal setting is super important, working on the way you FEEL about yourself is even more important. I do believe the phrase, “new year, new me” has good intentions behind it, but I like “new year, elevated me” much more. Self-love doesn’t always come easy and with the “new year, new me” statement it makes it seem like you’re flawed or need to change. And mama, you are not flawed, nor do you need to change who you are. How about more so just an elevated version of yourself in 2021? One that is full of self-love and forgiveness? Someone that loves themselves & uses self-care as a way to love & take care of themselves? (Easier said than done, I know!)  

So here’s some 2021 Mantras to help you elevate yourself:

  • I will treat myself with the same kindness as I do to my loved ones
  • I will express gratitude for all that I have
  • I will allow myself to be present in the moment
  • I will love my body for carrying me and carrying my children
  • I will forgive myself when I trip and fall and get back up
  • I will not feel guilty for taking time for myself
  • I will not compare myself to someone else’s highlight reel
  • I will practice asking for help when I need it
  • I will learn to say no to things and people that do not serve me
  • I will love all of me

Feel free to write down these mantras over and over, put them someplace where you will see them every day, say them aloud, customize or make your own and truly believe in them.  You can still set goals for yourself, but make sure there is intentional self-love behind them before you take action.  Here’s to more self-love in 2021 and an elevated you, mama! You got this.

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Emily Nichols
Emily and her husband (who is also her high school sweetheart) have lived in Brownsburg since 2004. They have two boys (Dylan & Tyler) that keep them very busy! Emily is a nonprofit professional and also wellness expert. She is a Whole30 Certified Coach and the host of The Self Care Isn't Selfish Podcast. You can also find Emily teaching fitness classes and getting her own butt kicked at Orangetheory. Motivated by her own family's wellness transformation, Emily coaches and helps inspire other busy moms like herself to make their health a priority in their lives, and take the time to put themselves first #selfcareisntselfish Emily loves to write about health, fitness, being a working #boymom and of course self care. You can find her on Instagram and check out her online courses and the podcast at: