I was watching one of my favorite sitcoms the other day and it just so happened to be the Mother’s Day episode. In the episode, the Dad takes their kids to his mother’s house for the weekend so that the mom can enjoy Mother’s Day her way–kid free (and drinking all day). That really got me thinking about what I would like to do for my Mother’s Day this year, as I really think that they were on to something there. I’ve informed my husband of my wishes and my mother-in-law is thrilled to spend the whole day with her son and grandkids. This Mother’s Day, no one will con me into making my own breakfast in bed, ask me to wipe their butt, or make me stand in a queue for an over-priced dinner.
To start the day, I plan to sleep in, and I mean sleep past 7 am, then I will make myself breakfast. After that, weather permitting, I am going to spend the entire day gardening. Now, don’t mistake that goal for something that I enjoy doing. I have never really had a green thumb, but I do have wonderful flower beds that last year were completely bare, and it made me very sad. So this year’s goal is to make sure they are flourishing and beautiful.
Next up is the fire pit we couldn’t build last year since I was pregnant. I’m hoping that this will take me until about 3 p.m., and then it will be acceptable to open a bottle of wine: the pink kind that only I like. And what goes better with wine than Chinese take out? After I’ve gorged myself on food that I didn’t have to share with anyone, I’ll make sure to call my mom(s) and sister and wish them a ‘Happy Mother’s Day’. The rest of my night will be filled with scary rated R movies, sour candy, and popcorn because those are my favorite things to do.
By the end of the day, I can soak in the tub, blast some Norah Jones, and bask in the quiet that I may only get once a year. Dads, if you are thinking about what to get for the lovely mother in your life, consider giving her the day off. I know that’s all that I want, and my husband was more than pleased to get it for me.
Tell me, moms, how does my perfect Mother’s Day sound to you?