A couple weeks ago, on one of the first nice evenings of the summer, my family traveled across town to grill out with friends. Our kids could play outside and we could make dinner. It was time to wind down after a long week and enjoy a couple glasses of wine. It was the perfect night and like many perfect summer nights we stayed a little later than planned. This also meant we enjoyed a few extra adult beverages. When it came time to leave, my husband and I both looked at each other and thought the same thing. We both felt more than capable of the 10-minute drive home, but why risk it? And thus we called an Uber for our entire family; my two-year-old son included.

Safe drivers like Uber
When I opened the door to the Uber and began to immediately install a car seat, the driver definitely gave me a glance. I’ll be the first to admit that I felt a little awkward as I tried to “explain” why we were grabbing an Uber at 8pm with our 2 year old. But his glance and perceived judgement was worth it knowing we had a safe ride home.
Car services like Uber or Lyft are starting to get it too. Many services offer drivers versed in installing car seats. Some have car seats already installed in them, but I think more should get on board. Most of these services haven’t hit Indy yet, but as you travel definitely look into this in cities across the US.
Safety first
As awkward as we may have felt on our ride home, we knew we made the right decision. However, I immediately began to question what others would think of our Uber choice. Were we bad parents for drinking in the first place? What would a parent who doesn’t drink at all think of me? I can’t answer these questions, but sadly in today’s society I’m sure to be judged by someone.

But thankfully I ignored the “judgey eyes” in my head. What I’m proud of is that in the moment my husband and I put our “I can do it” egos aside and made the safest decision for our family. Regardless of what others may think, that is something I am proud of and would do again in the future.