An Open Letter to a ONE-OF-A-KIND Teacher,
(Mrs. Morris & Mrs. Griswold, this one’s for you!)
Bless your soul, beautiful teacher! Do you know how special you are? Do you know how appreciated you are? If not, I hope this letter finds a place in your heart and mind to remind you of the talented blessing that you are and continue to be!
I learned this year not all teachers are as fabulous as you. Probably not a shock to you, but for me it’s been eye opening. I’m a teacher myself and have had the privilege of working with PHENOMENAL teachers in my career! I’ve been surrounded by world-class teachers for over a decade, but I learned this year, not all teachers are as special as you! Not all teachers have a natural born ability to inspire children and encourage them to greatness! But you, sweet teacher, you can and do on a daily basis. You are one of those true blessings in the classroom! You fill your class and your students with love, knowledge, inspiration, encouragement and pride!
If you haven’t heard it lately, you are valued. You are admired. You are appreciated. You are loved. Teaching isn’t easy. It’s an emotional journey filled with unexpected surprises each day. Your clientele can go from happy to nervous breakdown with the wrong choice of crayon. The way you handle the unexpected is enlightening! Sure, you have your tough days, but I have yet to see a day where you don’t shine!
Did you know that your teaching, your passion, and your commitment to your students is something that we share with others often? You should. You should know that we routinely sing your praises and tell others of the joy you bring to our child. We brag to family and friends about the blessing you are!
Learning has been made fun through you. You have taught our child endless amounts of knowledge, but you’ve also taught him social skills, self-confidence, faith, and the pursuit for the love of learning. Those things are just as important as the academics you nourish him with each day. Thank you for educating him on more than traditional academics, but on life lessons as well.
I hope you take the time to reflect each day on the type of teacher you are. You should leave the classroom, even on tough days, knowing that you are the kind of teacher each parent prays for and the kind of teacher each child deserves. You have skills and traits that simply cannot be taught but rather are a natural blessing you have been gifted.
Thank you, sweet teacher, for all that you do. It’s hard trusting another person with your child’s heart, mind and well-being. You make it easy to send my child off to school each day knowing that he’ll be loved, educated and challenged. It’s easy to send a child back to school each day when they are counting down the minutes until they will be reunited with their teacher and friends. You have created a space that is fun, vibrant and perfect for our child’s educational journey.
Thank you for your dedication. You are underpaid, but not undervalued. You have one of the most important jobs in the world. Thank you for your endless support, encouragement and journey for growth. Thank you for loving your students the unique and joyful way that you do. Thank you for being the guiding light in our child’s school path.
Thank you for being everything we hoped you’d be and more. You have made an impact that will last beyond this year and we are so grateful to have experienced your expertise, knowledge and passion for education. You, sweet teacher, are one-of-a-kind, and we hope you understand the true blessing that you are.
A Proud & Appreciative Parent