Erin Larson
Love After Divorce
Love. Two years post-separation and a year after my divorce, if there was one word to sum up how I’m feeling now, that word would be love. And it’s not just because I’m writing...
Soup Sunday
The “‘ber” months are back, which means the cozy season's return! There will soon be a chill in the air, pumpkin spice everything, trips to the apple orchard, and in our house, Soup Sunday.
Beginners Guide to the Track: It’s May Y’all!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! You’re probably looking at your calendar and thinking, Indianapolis Moms got their days mixed up. It’s not the “holiday season.” Oh, we got it right, and...
I Don’t Want to Adult Anymore
Adulting, zero out of five stars, do not recommend. I've decided at the ripe age of 38 that I tried this adulting thing, it's just like really hard, and I don't want to do...
Social Media Cleanse
Usually, when I see the word cleanse, it is tied to some diet fad, like a juice cleanse, and to that, I say hard pass, no thank you, my body needs solid food. However,...
I Declared a Lazy Day
We were all falling apart at the seams. One kid was sobbing because there was an update to his tablet (heaven forbid). The other kid was having a full-on mental breakdown because I cut...
Mamas, You Deserve To Be Happy
Listen up, mamas. We have been sold a lie about life. The lie is that life is hard, and we must put everyone else’s needs before our own. We have to fill everyone else’s...
Holiday Activities for the Busy Mom
Mamas, I have a confession to make. Now, please don't go and call the authorities on me. Ok, this is hard to say, but I don't have time for, nor do I like doing...
I Lost Myself in Marriage and Motherhood
One morning, I walked by the mirror a few months ago, saw my reflection, and didn’t recognize the person looking back at me. It sounds cliche, but I didn’t recognize the person in that...
In All the Chaos, I Needed Simple
Life is a little overwhelming, crazy, exhausting, noisy. Choose your synonyms there, but you get the idea. Going on year three of this pandemic, we could all use some precedented times right about now....
Sleep Training Success
The number one question you get asked as a new parent is, “Is the baby sleeping through the night?” With our first kid, the answer was “Oh yes, we are killing this parenting thing.”...
I Left My Husband and Kids; You Should Too
I did it. I packed up and left my husband and kids for four days. It was the best thing ever to recharge my mom battery and take a step away from reality for...
Joyful Movement: Changing my Relationship with Exercise
Exercise and I have always had a love-hate relationship. Well, to be honest, way more on the hate side of things versus love. I hated that no matter what I did, the scale never...
Kid-Free Weekend Getaway Ideas
We’ve all been locked in our houses with our womb gremlins for what feels like 500 million years and it’s time to escape before we all go crazy! Now that things are starting to...