
Mom | wife | pug-lover extraordinaire. This type-A personality wife and mother of two girly princesses Ellie (5) and Emerson (3) and pug-mom to Coal-B-Jak, is living the dream (or sometimes just staying afloat), in Carmel, Indiana. A communication professional with over 15 years working for the world’s largest education company, Jamie manages over 25 social media channels for their technology learning brands. An avid interior design enthusiast and reader, Ms. Shoup spends most of her time corralling the troops on the home-front and finding new ways to create, organize and inspire her girls to experience all life has to offer. She reminds everyone to dance like no one is watching – because they’re not, they are looking at their phones. So get on the dance floor! Keep up with her on Twitter @JamieShoup76.

What’s Going On in Indy – Weekend Recap of Mom Approved Events

Last weekend was a busy one!  If you are anything like me, I'm all about keeping the kids busy especially when it supports the community here in Indianapolis.  Here is a weekend round-up of...

Counting Down Until Election Day is Over – A House Divided

Can this election be over already? I know you are with me. Everyone has to be feeling it now. Beyond the drama of each sad debate, the social media tirades, and every news channels' spin,...

Breaking Our Linus

Thumb-sucking, blanket carrying -- the struggle is real! My daughter is turning 4 in October, and we have a real live Linus on our hands. She affectionately has named her blanket Mine-o, as in "this...

If You Give a Kid a Pumpkin…

If you give a kid a pumpkin, she'll want a hayride to go with it. After that bumpy hayride with a dozen other sweaty kids, she'll definitely need to have her face painted by a...

September is Craniosynostosis Awareness / Acceptence Month

Craniosynostosis is a foreign word to most, but unfortunately in our house it is one we have come to know well with our first child.  One in every 2,500 individuals are born with Craniosynostosis; the majority of...

Over-scheduled or Early Advantage?

With school beginning and a full summer behind us, I've found myself asking the question of whether I'm helping my kids or hindering them with so many activities. A double-edged sword, as we want...

Summer Goals: Your Checklist To Family Togetherness in Indy

Feeling the boredom of summer already? Never fear - we've got your checklist of family togetherness ready to go! #SummerGoals Day of planting - plan, purchase, pick out, and plant something new! Get your...

What Dads Don’t Say and What Moms Can Learn From Them

With Father's Day quickly approaching, I took some time to reflect on my personal experience with how differently my husband and I parent. Over the course of a week, I stopped to listen to all...
easy Father's Day printables

A Collection of Father’s Day Printables To Do With Your Child

Something from the heart is always the best gift; I love to interview our children on special holidays and milestones so I can keep track of their true thoughts and feelings. These gifts are...

The Kid Stuff Dilemma: How To Rid Yourself of All The Extra

An overwhelming part of motherhood is learning how to not only manage your new life but your entire household and all the "stuff" that comes with your new little one.  Getting a head-start on...

Anxiety of The After-School Playdate

I went to my first official school meeting this month in preparation for sending our soon-to-be 5-year-old off to Kindergarten in August. The introductory information meeting was for parents to start getting used to the basic surroundings,...

Rule the Pool With These 10 Mommy Tips

The warm weather is here and swim season is right around the corner. In years past we've had several good, and not so good community pool experiences; I wanted to share 10 tips on...