Paige Vauter

Paige Vauter
Paige is a wife, mom, and technology professional. She is a central Indiana native and now resides in Westfield with her husband, son, and daughter. She runs on chai lattes and to do lists, and lives for cold weather, good books, and attempting to organize the chaos of this beautiful thing called motherhood. While not behind a computer working, she and her husband can often be found outside, walking their two dogs or chasing their 2 little ones around the yard.

Being Productive in a Pandemic: Four Tips to Feel Good About Your Day

There’s something invigorating about fall. I don’t know if it’s the fresh air, the sun peeking between the colored leaves or the bite in the morning air as the wind whips through the trees....

To My Kinder-Ready Son’s Daycare

To My Kinder-Ready Son’s Daycare, He did it. You did it. We did it. Somehow, with some combination of us all working together, we made it to this day. My son has walked across that...

Celebrate National Meatball Day – One Simple Recipe, Four Ways

Holy Meatball! Did you know March 9th is National Meatball Day? Neither did I, but after months of "meatball Mondays" - kindly suggested (demanded) each week by my five-year-old - I have come up...

Kindergarten Registration Destroyed Me – Advice From Moms Who’ve Been There

I’m not ok. It’s all I can think of as I peruse the Kindergarten registration forms. I am not ready to let go. A thousand “how’s” and “what if’s” run through my head. How...

My Hope For You in 2021: Take 2020 With You

2020. What. A. Year. There are so many words I could say about this year. So many feelings. Let's just get out of this year. Let's forget about it. Let's just move on. But...

Celebrating National STEAM Day – Create. Dream. Imagine.

STEAM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, the newly added A for Art, and Math, is all about prioritizing problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity for kids. The concept of STEAM has been highly popularized...

Halloween and Fall Activities for Little Hands

We've finished our breakfast, changed out of PJs, and thrown on our coats. I slide the back door open, and the kids and dogs go running, like we've been trapped indoors for weeks, and...

Building Memories That Span Generations

On a random day, some 20+ days ago, a boy sat on the floor of his toy room surrounded by bins filled with color-sorted LEGO blocks. Of course, there were also bins for "extra"...

The Need to Wean

I decided to wean at 2:00 AM. At 1:00 AM, I woke up in a fit of chills; blankets pulled tight around me while the stabbing pain of the fourth bout of mastitis ripped...

Finding Self Worth And Baking My Cake

I should warn you; this post is not, in fact, about baking a cake… sorry, but I feel like I should get that out there. Now, what this post is about is finding your...
summer fun

Kicking Off the Summer Sweet

Summer time is a season we welcome with open arms around here. It means we've made it through all 7 of Indiana's spring and winter phases and can finally enjoy all that summer time...

Meet Our Indianapolis Moms: Paige Vauter

Hi, Indy moms! I'm Paige! I live in Westfield with my husband George, our two little ones, Lucas and Madelyn, and our two dogs. I live off my to-do lists (even if they are...

The Pandemic Has Made Us All a Little More Human – Confessions From a...

There will be a time - though it feels too far away to grasp - that this current situation will all be over. We will not be stuck in our homes, unable to travel,...

They Say Kids Grow Up Fast

They say kids grow up fast - that you'll blink and your kids will be grown. I reflect on that a lot. You may have noticed if you read my other posts. I often...