
Terri Salinas

Terri Salinas
Terri is a hopeless romantic with strong gif and meme communication skills. Chasing her toddler is her main form of exercise, otherwise shopping is her cardio. If lost, check the dollar section of Target. She is also the voice behind acupofmotherly.com. A wife, friend, daughter, but above all… your average, hot mess mother of 2!

The Mess They Left Behind

I packed their suitcase and snapped on their shoes. I double-checked her security blanket was packed and their tablets charged. I kissed their foreheads and told them how much I loved them. I stood...

Confessions of a Tired Pregnant Woman

I'm in the final "push" (pun intended) of pregnancy, and I'm tired. With this being my third, I feel like I have some knowledge I'd like to pass on to the newly pregnant or...

What A Mom Wants For Christmas

This is the gift guide you've all been waiting for. What to get a mom, your mom, or ANY mom for Christmas. Don't worry. This was designed to be budget-friendly! So put your Apple...

I Don’t Like Being the Pregnant Friend

This is my third pregnancy and if there is anything I've learned so far is that I despise being the pregnant friend. During my first pregnancy, I honestly didn't have a lot of friends...

Dear Boy Mom…What’s it Like?

Dear Boy Mom, What's it like? What's it like having little hands reaching out only for you? I know my daughters love me, but man do they love my husband more. I try and act like...

Dear Miss Erin : A Letter to Our Speech Language Pathologist

Dear Miss Erin I didn’t know it back then, but you were my number one cheerleader. When it felt like everyone was bringing me down, you were there to hold me back up. As I...

How to Save Money at Your Disney World Vacation

Going to Disney World is not everyone's cup of tea and I hear you! Taking a family on a  Disney World vacation is expensive. If you are one of the many that are cringing...

Mini Moments of Motherhood

The mini moments of motherhood are the ones that are small yet mighty. When time stands still and the only thing that matters is you and your child. A short time stamp in life...

The Making of a Mom Village

When I was a new mom, I'd watch other moms gather together with their kids running around, babies in their strollers, and their carefree attitude. They would be laughing, smiling, and effortlessly talking with...

How My Filipino Mother Influenced My Motherhood

Filipino American History Month is celebrated in October, and it honors the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the United States. In my family, my mom and dad immigrated to the United States in...

I See You, Mama

I see you hanging on by one thread. Piecing everything together, perfectly placing objects in their place, and barely getting by.  I see you getting ready for the day. Trying to brush the knots away,...

The Load of Motherhood

I always feel like I have this tremendous amount of weight upon my shoulders and I can’t shake it off. The girls’ schedules, meals, snacks, toys, and bedtimes. Followed by household chores, laundry, bills,...

A Quick Beauty Routine for Busy Moms

I know, mama. It’s hard to get up every morning. You’re mentally and physically exhausted. You have a laundry list of things to do, plan, and make. All of this works for others, but...

Fill Your Cup, Mama!

Do you ever have an intimate conversation with your morning cup of coffee? It may sound like, “Let’s have a good day” or “Here’s to zero potty accidents!” We are relying on our warm...