By all accounts, I should be a “Pinterest Mom.” My craft room — actually my office, since I run a business making items for other people — is chock full of almost every tool I’d need to accomplish all of the amazing crafts I’ve pinned to my Pinterest boards. The problem isn’t my skill level, confidence, or the fact that it usually costs five times as much to buy supplies and takes 10 times as long as buying pre-made will. My problem is I’m too busy taking care of my kids and running my business to plan and execute all those amazing ideas. And then we enter class parties – including those Valentines.
Plus, let’s be honest, I’m kind of a procrastinator. That’s why I’m writing about DIY valentines with just days to spare. However, I’m the master of making things that are cheap or quick look like they took way longer. So this post is for moms like me who are looking up “quick kids valentines” or “cheap class valentines” the night before — maybe even the morning of — your kid’s class party.
Solidarity for my fellow last-minute moms: I’ve got your back! Here are a few cute class valentines you can totally do for a whole class in less than one hour with items you probably have on hand or can get in one quick trip to one store.

Here’s what you’ll need:
- Scissors
- A color printer and cardstock (Tip: You can take it to an office/UPS store and have them print a few sheets)
- Pens or Markers (If you don’t have access to a printer, just grab some colorful cardstock and write out these pun-filled messages by hand.)
- Masking or washi tape (washi is colorful paper tape that comes in all sorts of patterns)
- Ribbon, yarn or baker’s twine (Use what you have, but I’d snag a roll of red and white baker’s twine, so you can use it for holiday’s all year!)
- And one of these items…

Forgo the candy but keep the sweetness with these easy-squeezy DIY Valentines are sure to please young classmates and parents alike. Attach one of these cards to an applesauce pouch with washi tape or cute red and white baker’s twine. There are two designs: Main squeeze and, my personal favorite, Awesomesauce!
If you wanted to go with a round applesauce container, you could use the baker’s twine and washi tape to tie on a spoon too!
Get it: Download the free printable PDF (12 cards per page)
Toy cars

At a certain age kids, especially boys, may start to lose interest in all the red, pink, hearts, glitter and general mushiness associated with Valentine’s Day. Enter the Hot Wheels, Matchbox or whatever generic versions of these tiny cars you can find in bulk at the store for a few dollars.
Grab your washi tape and tape the mini race car to the card for a fun gift. You can even enlist your older kids to practice their cutting skills and trim out the mini oval race track cards themselves.
Get it: Download the printable cars Valentine PDF (4 cards per page)
Fruit snacks

Fruit snacks are toddlers’ love language. This one is brand-specific, but only because the Annie’s brand fruit snacks are actually shaped like bunnies. To be honest, these are the best fruit snacks, so go ahead and buy the giant box and steal a few nibbles. They’re organic and fruit is in the name, so they’re basically healthy, right?
You could use the same cards with the Annie’s cheddar bunny or graham crackers if you wanted! Just buy the little bags, or get the big box and divvy them up into treat bags then staple the car to the top.
Get it: Download the printable Somebunny Loves You Valentine PDF (12 cards per page)

Even adults can hardly pass up the opportunity to squish this colorful putty in their hands. It’s great for sensory and imaginative play, doesn’t add calories or cause sugar rushes, and you can get the adorable little Playdoh party packs (or even generic versions) at lots of stores, making it pretty affordable to hand out to every kid in class. Just cut out the circles, use your tape to attach to the lid and you’re good to go.
Want to get extra over-the-top Pinterest mom points? Print the labels on sticker or label paper and use a 1.5″ circle paper punch for precision. It will look that much more professional. But if you’re pressed for time, your 6 year old totally isn’t going to notice.
Get it: Download the printable Playdoh Valentine PDF (30 cards per page)
Don’t forget to tag @IndyMomsBlog in all the photos you take of your adorable DIY class Valentine’s. You worked hard, you should definitely share your achievement!