Sunday September Sanity-Savers


There’s that small chill starting to make its way into our hearts each September, begging for the enchantment of sweaters and beanie hats, calling us to find the peace in the cold to come. School is back in full swing, and it’s as if we forgot the allure of summer with its long days and lazy lingering. While getting back into the routine, it can feel nice to bring in renewed habits that promote a healthy, seamless work week amid busy sports and hustling around to all the events. I hope you can find time to make these Sunday September Sanity-Savers part of your week-to-week household livelihood.

Hard-boil a dozen eggs.

I started doing this a few months ago, and it’s been such a great addition to my week. Some mornings, I’m heading to the gym and need a small pick-me-up to power through class before I come home and eat a real breakfast, so I’ll grab an egg and be on my way. Other days, my husband might come home for lunch and use two of them for a quick mix-up egg salad sandwich. I can throw one on my salads which ALWAYS feels like a more expensive restaurant salad once an egg is sliced on top. If you prep no other foods but hard-boiled eggs, your body and mind will thank you as eggs are such a great source of protein!

Make Sunday your “Soup Day” as the cold months slink upon us.

This is an easy fix-up for Sunday morning while everyone is still in their jammies, and the food prep for the week is in motion. Soups are so easy, and they can cater to everyone’s food preferences pretty easily. Use a crock pot and plan to make extra, and voila, you will have an additional leftover meal for the week ahead. The other practice I do often is to freeze some of the leftovers in storage bags, to save in the deep-freezer for one of those storied winter storms we might have when going to the grocery store after work is not what we idealize and some foods are picked over. Having soup on hand to thaw is such a sanity-saver!

Chop your produce or purchase a veggie tray.

In either situation, you will want to place the veggies in storage bags or storage containers, so plan to have those on hand. I was so tired of having to take time to cut peppers or cucumbers for a healthy snack upon getting home or in the morning to take with me that day. Cutting them on Sunday or simply buying a veggie tray to have on-hand fixes my veggie woes in a snap! Costco usually has a great one for around $10 and it comes with a delightful Everything (bagel) Ranch dip. When you break down the size of the tray, it is more than a great deal. 

Brew some iced tea.

If you’re like me and love the taste of something other than water, but you prefer not to drink soda, while also wanting to avoid sugar, brewing up a pitcher of iced tea on Sunday is one way to stay hydrated and save time during the week. It’s also much more cost-effective than buying bottled teas. After all…tea is just upgraded water at its core. 

Finish the laundry.

Lay out your (and your kids’) clothes. I know, I know. This is like that broken record from our childhood that we KNOW helps make our week easier, but man, staying in denial about the power of this one act can really wreck the sanity of the week. Face it, when clothes are laundered AND put away (the put away is the key here), they are easier to find and access, easier to grab on the go in the case of sports clothing, and overall, can help us all find a bit more relaxation amid the busy weeks of work and school. Do it. I promise your mornings will thank you!

Hopefully, one of these tips makes its way to your Sunday routine, or you can at least give them a try. In all situations, you could have these Sanity-Savers accomplished before the morning closes, and dinner will be simmering in no time.