
Tag: back to school

Modeling Resilience is Hard Work

As an elementary resource teacher, I reference the term “growth mindset” daily. Encouraging my students to embrace challenges and persevere through difficulties is a...

Back to School, (Home)School

August is here. It's back to school today, but my son won't pose for his yearly picture on the porch like his friends today,...

5 Ways To Kick the Back to School Stress

We all know the feeling. You're minding your sweet, summer-lovin' business, cruising through Target to refill on sunscreen and popsicles. When suddenly, out of...

Preschool Teacher Turned Preschool Parent

From my very first school year as a preschool teacher in 2012, I watched my colleagues enjoy the excitement of their own kids coming...

School Mornings: How We Get Out the Door in 15 Minutes...

Woah, school mornings. I have two elementary-age kids, and school starts at 7:40 am. No one in our house is a fan of the...

Separation Anxiety and the School Year

I've been through this before. The tears, the screaming, the pleading. Hiding behind furniture in hopes that I won't see them. I try to...

The Problem with School Dress Codes

Recently, while scrolling through Facebook, I came across an angry post from a mother in Hamilton County complaining about proposed changes to the dress...

The Real Reason Teachers Are Quitting

If you are familiar with the teaching staff at your child's school, you may be in for a surprise when school begins. It is...

The One Where He Goes to School

Black ink stains the red fabric of your first big kid backpack, marking it as yours; nestled against it is a green lunchbox and...

Your First Day of School Pictures Don’t Have to Be Fancy

It’s time for back to school, which means it is time for social media to fill up with cute “first day of school” pictures...

My Baby is Starting Kindergarten

In a couple of short weeks, my youngest child, my baby, will start kindergarten. Sending him brings about several questions. Is he ready? Are...

I Never Rode the Bus: Why My Toddler Does

There are so many "I never" moments with me and the public education system. I did not attend a K-12 school growing up. Instead,...

Sunday September Sanity-Savers

There’s that small chill starting to make its way into our hearts each September, begging for the enchantment of sweaters and beanie hats, calling...

The Anxiety of Back To School

It is official. I have a kindergartner and a first grader, which is really exciting. Summer is finally over and we can get back...