Today is hard. Nothing in-particular has gone drastically wrong; sometimes it’s just hard.
My 3 1/2 year old is acting his age and throwing milestone-appropriate tantrums and fits. His demands are rapid-fire and they are many. He feels everything VERY deeply and wears his emotions on his sleeve.
Like, for example…his favorite socks are in the dirty laundry. I mean, SWEET MOTHER-OF-PEARL, his favorite Paw Patrol socks are in the dirty laundry and therefore, are unavailable for him to wear! CLEARLY, I have failed him as a mother. In the midst of my own frustration, I actually kind of marvel at how it is possible that a preschooler has mastered the art of emotional warfare and psychological manipulation in only 3 short years. I vacillate between being impressed and fearful…
Also currently happening is my 11 month old crawling at lightning speed, in search any potential chokable or bacteria-laden item he can apparently manifest out of thin air and thrust in his mouth. The highlight of such cunning being how he slipped into the bathroom and orally explored the toilet brush before I could intervene. I shudder to my core.
It’s been a really long day. I want to curl up in bed and watch nonsense and ignore the huge responsibility of raising these little people into functional adults. I want to take a mommy mental health day. I wonder if the preschooler would take a therapist’s note and give me the day off…?
Today, in particular, feels like it will never end. We’ve been playing dinosaur doctor for 5 hours, since the preschooler woke up at 7:00. It’s almost noon NINE A.M.?! HOW IS THAT ACCURATE?! Are we in some kind of domestic time warp?
This made me smile! I have had a few days like this myself. My 16 month old is becoming a temper tantrum thrower pro!
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