Tag: stay at home mom

From Registered Nurse to Stay-At-Home Mom

Two months ago, I had my last day at work. As a hospital nurse for seven years, the hospital was my second home. It...

Working Mom, Stay-at-Home Mom, or Somewhere In Between?

Working mom, stay-at-home mom, or somewhere in between? In my seven years of parenting, I’ve done it all. For five years as a working...

I Want to Go “Home” (Back to My Classroom)

I've always wanted to be a teacher. I may not have always realized it, but I instantly felt at home when I finally stepped back...

The Sad Reality Of Motherhood Reflected In The Movie Yes Day

I remember a few years ago when my oldest two started floating the idea of “Yes Days”. Many of their friends had seen the...

Simply, Mama

This is it, the final shift before I become simply a mama. The last time I’ll step into scrub shoes, the last time I’ll throw...

I’m a Maybe

Maybe I'm not reliable anymore. Maybe I'm not on time anymore. I may or may not actually be able to show up when you need me. Maybe...

My Husband Lost His Job

My husband lost his job. Before that, many changes were happening within his company, and we knew the layoff was a possibility. Possibility quickly...

Stay-at-home-mom While Black

I quit my job. It took months for me to make the decision. I never, by any stretch of the imagination, thought of not...

MOPS: The Lifeline I Didn’t Know I Needed

In 2016 we packed up our belongings, sold our house, and moved across the country to Arizona for a job opportunity for my husband....

Choosing a Preschool Homeschool Curriculum

Early childhood is a special time for our children. They are being introduced to the world one day at a time. Our children should...

Chaos Coordination: Tips for Managing the Family Hub

Head Domestic Engineer. Executive Household Coordination Expert. Magician. Take your pick. No matter the title, mothers are scrambling to meet the demands of their...

Motherhood Work is the Greatest Kingdom Work You Will Ever Do

Dinner needs to be made. The laundry needs to be folded. The children have dumped out another toy bin. Do these moments cause you...

Death By A Thousand Details

There’s tired, then exhausted, fatigued, dead, and finally, if you take a left turn at the seventh circle of hell and go down three...

There Is Sound Everywhere In Our House And It’s Often Too...

There is sound everywhere in our house. The sweet sounds of kids playing. The stressful sounds of kids arguing. The sounds of an unofficial...