Magnesium: My Miracle Maker


The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed healthcare professional. Always consult your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

© Aamulya via Canva

This little read is going to come off sounding like the mother in My Big Fat Greek Wedding and her obsession with Windex for every ailment. And I’m perfectly okay with it.

Before the trolls of the internet come crawling out of their holes to seek if I’m a medical professional, I’ll begin with full transparency in shout-typing: I AM NOT A DOCTOR! Nope, I’m sure not. However, I am a human and a participant in the world of staying healthy, keeping active, and attempting* to age gracefully and, oh yeah, up-keeping my mental health. Guess what? Magnesium has been my savior in checking the box on all of the above—my miracle maker.

About ten years ago, I began hearing about magnesium, and my mind initially thought of that “Milk of Magnesia” (magnesium hydroxide as it is generically called) liquid my grandparents used to take, so I was very off-put at the thought. “Seems strange…” 

However, the more and more I began doing my armchair research and talking to my doctor about the benefits, my thoughts started to shift. A decade later, I’m an avid daily (actually nighttime, right before bed) user in supplement pill form. Here are my “whys”:

  • Better sleep
  • Lower levels of anxiety
  • Less stiffness in my muscles
  • Less day-to-day aches and pains from working out and typical aging
  • Happier gut health (things just kinda seem to move more smoothly)
  • Less or no heartburn 
  • Lowered inflammation all over (stomach included)
  • Helpful with bouts of nerve pain (sciatic and neck, specifically)
  • This is just the list of MY usage reasons; plenty more can be found online!

In my usage, I find I’m often a publicist of sorts for its usage, always hearing about someone’s ailments with sleep or general pain in their knee, and my first question at a casual lunch, when someone is complaining of pain, is almost always, “Have you tried magnesium?!” 

More and more frequently, in my peer groups of moms and gal pals experiencing aging, it’s been great to hear more and more women are bringing magnesium into their daily regimen of supplements. 

The best explanation I’ve ever heard about the benefits of magnesium paints it pretty clearly to a “why” better than I can construct. Think of it like this: the more we intake that happens to be food on-the-go, processed, not grown and gardened directly from our own soil, nor meats farmed from our own barn of animals, the less and less we live similar to our ancestors in past centuries as well as less and less in similar eating patterns as “cavemen.” Yet somehow, previous centuries and yes, cavemen and women somehow had physiques that needed sustaining without our modern medicines. The argument often points to magnesium as having been a dense property in the diets of humans before processing and additives came into the scene. 

Whether it is better sleep, a happier, more calm stomach, feeling less bloated with inflammation, or simply to try a new supplement to help with all of the above, adding magnesium is as easy as a stop in the vitamin aisle at your grocery, or even a delivery from Amazon. At the risk of sounding like an MLM or time-share seller, come join me on the journey to better health with magnesium, my miracle maker!