Have you scheduled your family photos yet this year? If so, we have partnered with Eveslage Photography to help you prepare! Maria has four major tips on how to plan and execute a seamless family photo session this year.
Book your session early.
Maria suggests booking your session in advance, especially if you want to take photos during the fall. A great tip is to mark your calendar to check your photographer’s schedule in the beginning of summer. Also, sometimes photographers have early access booking if you have worked with them in the past. Make sure you get on that email list to keep it on your radar.
Find mom’s outfit first and coordinate around her colors.
It’s a great idea to choose one person’s outfit first and work around that person to get a good color scheme for your family, and Maria suggests that mom should go shopping first! If not mom, then one of the caregivers for sure. She says, “If mom is comfortable and feels good about herself, everything will fall into place.” For the upcoming fall season, layers look great on everyone and as the session goes, you could always discard one layer. It’s also important not to match everyone in the same color. Think about using a pattern for one or two people, and mix those in with solid colors on the rest of the family.
Don’t hesitate to ask your photographer their opinion on clothing options.
Photographers are a great resource for outfit coordination ideas, so don’t be afraid to ask them their opinion. They will know what works and doesn’t work to make family photos look cohesive. In Maria’s experience, photo sessions go smoother when parents and caregivers let their child choose an outfit they would be comfortable wearing. If your daughter doesn’t want to wear a dress, don’t make her. When they feel comfortable, they’ll be more at ease and relaxed during the photo shoot.
Relax and have fun!
“Children don’t always behave and nobody is perfect,” says Maria. “If your three-year-old insists on wearing a tiara – embrace it! It is not worth the fight.” Another thing to keep handy is bribes. They work, trust us. Think about a toy your child has been begging to get and use that as a fun reward when they behave and cooperate for the photo shoot. And Maria advises that if your reward is candy, don’t bring anything sticky or anything that would melt easily.
Follow these tips and your photo session will be a piece of cake. Oh and one more thing – smile!