Grandmas are Special People: Lessons From Gram


Grandmas are Special People

Mine was extra special. She was some sort of superhuman, who did everything for everyone and made this world a better place. She always felt like home. When something was wrong, a hug from Gram would always make it right. Along with a homemade chocolate chip cookie that she always seemed to have on hand.`

It’s been almost a year since she’s been gone. A year that we could have really used one of those Grandma hugs and obviously all the cookies. I hate that she’s not here. I’m sad that she won’t be here for the birth of our second child or to watch her great-grandchildren grow up. She would have loved that.

My favorite memories from growing up all have one thing in common, Grandma. Even though she isn’t physically here, there are little things every day that remind me of her and make me feel like she is still here with me. I still believe she is playing a role in my life. She lives on in the things she taught me, in the way she loved, in the way she lived. Lessons that I can bring to my children and teach them the ways of Linda Larson. This is a woman that hated her picture taken, so she probably would be so mad that I’m sharing these things about her. Sorry Gram, in this weird world we live in now, I think we could all use some lessons from Grandma.

Lessons from Gram

Recipes- Don’t need ‘em!- Grandma was always cooking. Rarely following any recipe. Her “recipes” consisted of a handful of this, a pinch of that, and just eyeball the rest. I loved watching her cook and helping, especially when extra cookie batter was involved.
Always make extra food– She would always ask me, “Erin, do you think we have enough food?” The answer was always, “Grandma, you have enough for the entire neighborhood.” She would make enough to feed an army and you best believe you were taking the leftovers home.
Everyone is always welcome– The song “Crowded Table” by the Highwomen always reminds me of Grandma. She never knew a stranger and everyone was always welcome.
Snacks are life- Grandmas always have the best snacks. After school, my sister and I would go to my grandparent’s house and the first stop was the snack cabinet. Which she always made sure was stocked with our favorite things. Then, when she got home she would bust out the cheese and crackers (a staple in our family). The afternoon/ evening consisted of snacks, snacks, dinner, dessert, and more snacks.
Bonus Breakfast– Weekends were usually spent at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Grandma and I were always the early risers. She would make me breakfast, usually pancakes, before everyone else got up. This was a bonus breakfast and that time is something I will never forget.
Only music you will ever need, Beach Boys– I can still hear her singing, “Don’t worry, baby, everything will turn out alright.” She loved the Beach Boys. The picture in my head whenever I need a smile is of her singing and dancing to the Beach Boys.
Love hard– The greatest lesson of all. Love hard. My grandparents were together since they were 14. It was a true unconditional love. The last thing I said to Grandma was, “Thank you for everything, you were the best Grandma.” I should have also said, thank you for showing me, all of us, what true love was.