Tag: fitness
Get Fit with Indianapolis Moms: A Guide to Indianapolis Fitness
Let 2025 be YOUR year! We have rounded up an Indianapolis fitness guide of local facilities, studios and gyms in and around the city...
Age Is Just a Number
This blog is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare...
Fit Moms: 7 Northside Indy Fitness Studios Offering Childcare Options
As a mom, finding time to focus on fitness can be a challenge. Balancing childcare responsibilities with personal health and wellness goals can seem...
Six Whole30 Recipes You’ll Love (Even If You Aren’t Dieting)
My husband and I have completed a few rounds of the popular Whole30 diet. We even attempted a round when I was pregnant (full...
Let’s Get Dirty! Tips for a Mud Run
It is no secret that stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things can turn out to create some of the most...
Stroller Running Like a Mother
I’m not proud of the texts I sent the first few times I ran with my daughter in a stroller.
It was hot. It was...
Get Moving With the 500 Festival KidsFit Program
With cooler weather welcoming us for the fall season, we're all trying to get as much outdoor time as we can before winter. Did...
An Ode to the Monon Trail
Every now and again, someone will ask me, “What’s your favorite place?” Throughout the course of my life, the answers have varied – anywhere...
Indianapolis Moms Move: Fitness Hop Event Series
Indianapolis Moms is excited to kick off the summer with a new fitness series - Indy Moms Move. Our goal is to provide a...
The No Resolution New Year
Can we talk honestly about the last year? To put it mildly, last year was a lot and 2021 is gearing up to look...
My Ode to Orangetheory
So, I have drank the orange Kool-Aid. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you’ve heard of Orangetheory Fitness. They are popping...
An Ode to My Pooch
At the pool the other day, my 5-year-old son poked at me…right in my good ol’ mommy pooch. He giggled, I giggled, then I...
I Love/Hate Running
As a Fitness Instructor, I wholeheartedly believe in changing up your routine and trying new things. It’s not only great for your body, but...
Three Ways to Meet Your Fitness Goals at the Monon Community...
Recently I read a study that only 8% of people actually keep their New Year's resolutions. And take one guess what the number one...