National Relaxation Day: How I Unwind With Young Kids At Home

©dashapetrenkophotos via

August 15th, National Relaxation Day, is a day we can all agree is more than necessary for moms to celebrate. Whether you’re a mom of one or ten, the burnout we face is real. It can happen slowly or hit you like a ton of bricks. I have experienced it both as a mom working outside the home, as a part-time work-from-home mom and as a stay-at-home mom. Over the years, my idea of how to combat the mom hangover has changed. As a new mom, it was hard to ask for help and relinquish control. I still find this to be true sometimes, but I’ve gotten better about reaching out to my trusted people or recognizing in myself that I need a break before I snap.

When I think about National Relaxation Day as a mom with young kids at home, I think about the little things I do daily to help prevent that burnout. Living in today’s world can be overwhelming, let alone keep humans alive and well in it. Finding the time or money to schedule luxurious self-care practices like a spa experience or a personal yoga session can also be challenging. So, while I’m at home with my babies, here are some practices I’ve adopted to help me relax.

Complete Chores While The Kids Are Awake

I’m sure you saw the word “chores” and wondered how I could include such profanity in a post about relaxation, but hear me out! I try to complete many domestic responsibilities before or after my kids’ nap time. I do this for a couple of reasons. First, I want my kids to see me take care of our home. I don’t want them to think that dishes, laundry, or bleaching toilets is a burden but rather a blessing – a sign of a well-lived in home. I want them to know I take pride in my home. I want them to learn how to complete these household tasks so that as they grow up, they can contribute to taking care of our home too. Second, I do this so that when the kids are resting, mom can also rest! I may want to nap too, or simply do other tasks just for me. This practice has been the most beneficial to me to find relaxation in my day-to-day.

Do Activities During Alone Time That Can’t Be Done With Kids Around

Okay, okay… we can get our minds out of the gutter. I won’t go there in this post (though you’re more than welcome to let that subtitle take you where you please). What I really mean is that when I get moments to myself, there are certain activities I love to do just for me. Don’t underestimate the power of the “everything” shower. I also love to binge-watch a show that is not suitable for toddler eyes and ears or catch up on my latest TBR. It lets my mind escape the reality of poopy diapers and sweeping crumbs, even if just for a few minutes.

Take Up A Hobby

This can be a long-term commitment or even an activity you want to do just for the week. I love to bake and write. Both of these practices bring me joy and help me cope with mom burnout. A hobby is a great way to celebrate National Relaxation Day far beyond August 15th.

Pray or Meditate

My prayers may be lengthy in times of quiet or just a quick whisper in times of stress. Sometimes I use a devotional or journal. Sometimes I put on a YouTube yoga meditative practice. No matter how much time I have to dedicate to it, prayer and meditation always put my mind, heart, and body in a good place.

Ask My Partner For A Massage

I love heading to my local masseuse and spending 60 minutes getting pampered while listening to ocean sounds. But again, it’s not always possible in the schedule or budget. Instead, I’ll ask my husband for a foot or head rub. I’ve even offered my kids $5 or an ice cream date in return for a back rub that usually involves hot wheel cars running up and down my spine or using my traps as a balance beam. It’s (usually) a great way to ease some tension and still help me get into a relaxed state of mind.

Plan Something To Look Forward To

Planning a date with my husband, a girls’ night out, or a future vacation is a great way for me to get my mind off mundane mom duties. Some weeks, these plans to get away are needed more than others. And many weeks, they aren’t always possible. So when I get a chance to put a getaway together, you best believe I’ll make the most of it. Sometimes, I’ll even plan time away that is just for me, like heading to a local coffee shop to sip hot coffee made by a barista while listening to a podcast instead of drinking microwave-burnt Costco coffee while listening to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles soundtrack. The anticipation for the escape can be almost as good as the actual event.

Talk to Family and Friends

When the mom hangover is hitting hard, one of my favorite things to do is pick up my phone and call or text loved ones. Sometimes, it’s a lengthy Facetime, a quick call, or a few lines of text (in my case, usually a few memes or TikTok videos that made me LOL). Regardless, it fills my cup to connect with those closest to me about all the things that fill my mind and heart. I also may reach out for help by talking me through a problem or asking if they can watch the kids while I get out of the house. While my village is small, they are mighty. Talking to them immediately brings me a sense of calm and happiness that I’d never be able to achieve alone.

Don’t let being a mom stifle you from doing the things that bring you peace. You deserve to relax, momma! What are some ways you’ll celebrate National Relaxation Day?