Lessons in Motherhood From a Newbie Runner


I ran Indy’s 500 Festival Mini-Marathon in May. It was my first race ever, and I’d never successfully run a 5K before deciding to train for 13.1 miles. As a newbie runner and mom of two littles, I discovered a few surprising parallels between the two journeys. Both require patience and endurance. Here are three lessons I learned from lacing up my running shoes that have shaped how I view motherhood.

You set the pace.

The pace you choose in running determines how far and how comfortably you can go. A running coach might tell you, “Let your breath control your heart rate. Don’t let your heart rate control your breath.” The same is true in motherhood. It’s easy to compare your journey to others and feel pressured to keep up. Set your own pace and just ensure you’re moving.

You don’t have to love every moment for it to be something you love.

When I first started running (and spoiler alert: I still sometimes ask myself this question), I frequently asked, “Why am I doing this to myself?” I could’ve joined a book club. I could’ve learned to crochet or garden or taken up birdwatching. But I chose to do something hard, and just because it’s hard doesn’t mean I’m not good at it. As moms, we have good days and hard days. A single day or a single period of time doesn’t define your journey.

Focus on the basics and build from there.

During my first pregnancy, I was overloaded about what to expect and how to prepare for my first baby. What I learned is that we’re eased into it. You don’t actually have to know a lot (or have a lot) as a new mom. You’ll figure out the basics with your baby’s eating and sleeping cues during the first few months, and then the needs will build over time. The same is true for running. Before I could run a mile, the idea of running 13.1 felt impossible. Consistency and small victories – whether it’s adding an extra mile or shaving off a few seconds – lead to success.

If you’re a newbie runner like me, now might be a good time to consider whether the Indy Mini will make it onto your 2025 bucket list. Let me know if it does!