Tag: social media

My Teenage Daughter is Reading Adult Romance Books

I'm still adjusting to the fact that I have a teenage daughter. There are days that I don't even realize how old she really...

Keeping up With You: The Upside of Social Media

My husband fell off our roof in late October, falling straight on our driveway. Lots of stitches, a concussion, a hurt elbow, and a...

BeReal, The App That I Am Loving

Disclaimer: BeReal is not sponsoring this post. I've been on the BeReal app for several months and love it. I first heard about it...

Please Don’t Make My Son Go Viral

Technology, specifically social media, is here to stay - whether we like it or not. Sharing information, photos, and videos with someone you know...

Summer Is Slipping Through My Fingers

I can feel summer slipping through my fingers like the ice cream melting down my son's hand next to me. We're sitting on the...

It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Facebook…My Friends.

"No, I didn't see that…" "Oh yeah? Jamie? From third grade? Engaged? No, I didn't see that…" "I must've missed that post about the insurrection trials…" "No,...

It’s Time to Include More Males in the Online Parenting Conversation

Think about parenting experts you follow on social media. Is it “Big Little Feelings”? Or “Simply on Purpose”? Do you rely on “Scary Mommy”...

No Social Media Sunday

In April 2021, I decided it was time to break up with my phone after realizing my screen usage was much higher than I...

Beauty Standards in the Midst of Motherhood: I Can’t Keep Up

There I was, crying in front of my bathroom mirror on a Saturday morning because I accidentally got lash glue (it burns!) in my...

I Can’t Keep up with Today’s Beauty Standards

I’ve never been incredibly interested in keeping up with society’s beauty standards. It all seemed to go over my head in junior high and...

Why I Quit Social Media…Forever

If you have any social media account (hello, Instagram, TikTok, or even the OG, Facebook), you’ve probably wondered if you’ve spent too much time...

My 30 Day Detox From Social Media

Mamas, I am drained. Can you relate? Our world is in a place that is beyond comprehension. It frightens me. What will life be...

Using Empathy to Overcome Political Divides, and Why We Can’t Just...

Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, I think we can all agree that the cultural climate around politics has become absolutely...

Keeping Our Moms Night Out Tradition with Houseparty

Since being homebound for the last several weeks, it is clear that I took a lot of the things we did everyday for granted....